Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Clinton editorial off-base


It is obvious that the Journal Sentinel Editorial Board does not like or trust Hillary Clinton (“Clinton’s abysmal record on open government,” Opinions, March 31). The tone of this editorial is to get people to believe she is an untrustwor­thy criminal. She is not. She has given this country over 30 years of honorable public service. She is the most honest candidate running right now.

Her use of a private email server was similar as the two previous secretary of states. Check out what Colin Powell and Condoleezz­a Rice used. All she wanted to do was be able to use her Blackberry, but the government’s computer systems were not up-to-date enough for that to be feasible. Her server was approved, it was not a secret. There is no evidence that her server was ever hacked. You can’t say that about all government servers.

Some of the laws involving use of a private server and preservati­on of documents were not in effect at the time she was secretary of state. They were adjusted after she left that office. How can she be prosecuted for breaking laws that hadn’t yet been written and passed? The classified documents you could be referring to were classified several years after she left that office. (Why don't you research who classified them so late after they were promulgate­d and why? Was it just a political ploy to make her look bad?)

I am ashamed that someone on the Editorial Board would write and publish such a document based on someone’s opinion rather than facts solidly researched. The writer picked people who are searching to discredit her to cite examples. The writer could have found other examples to cite but didn’t try to find any from people who aren’t trying to trash her.

She is the most qualified person running.

Bernie Sanders is a pie in the sky candidate. If his ideas are so great, why weren’t they passed years ago? What about his background? He has been in Congress a long time. His big appeal is to those who want a free college education. The young. He is not qualified to be commander-in-chief or to be chief negotiator for internatio­nal business. Peggy R. Topham Milwaukee

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