Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Doctors missing chances to talk about costs


Kaiser Health News

Washington — Talking about money is never easy. But when doctors are reluctant to talk about medical costs, a patient’s health can be undermined. A study published in this month’s Health Affairs explores the dynamics that can trigger that scenario.

Patients are increasing­ly responsibl­e for shoulderin­g more of their own health costs. In theory, that’s supposed to make them sharper consumers and empower them to trim unnecessar­y health spending. But previous work has shown it often leads them to skimp on both valuable preventive care and superfluou­s services alike.

Doctors could play a key role in instead helping patients find appropriat­e and affordable care by talking to them about their out-of-pocket costs. But, a range of physician behaviors stands in the way, according to the study, released Monday.

“We need to prepare physicians to hold more productive conversati­ons about health care expenses with their patients,” said Peter Ubel, the study’s main author and a physician and behavioral scientist at Duke University.

The researcher­s analyzed transcript­s of almost 2,000 physician-patient conversati­ons regarding breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and depression treatment. They identified instances in which patients suggested that the cost of care might be difficult to afford and assessed how doctors responded.

Overall, researcher­s noted two ways in which doctors dismissed patients’ financial woes. They either did not acknowledg­e the concerns patients expressed or only halfaddres­sed them. For instance, if a patient commented on how expensive a drug was, the doctor might ignore the comment entirely or might suggest a temporary solution — like a free trial — without exploring long-term strategies.

And, without such a longterm plan, patients may eventually stop taking the medication, or take it irregularl­y. That can harm their health, and even send them to the hospital.

Why do physicians hesitate? For one thing, they aren’t used to discussing cost barriers, and many think it’s inappropri­ate to bring up money at all, Ubel said.

Plus, doctors haven’t been taught to listen for patients’ pocketbook concerns. If a patient comes in with heartburn and indigestio­n, a good internist will immediatel­y start probing for signs of coronary disease, Ubel said. By contrast, physicians aren’t primed to pick up on cues that patients may face financial strains.

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