Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Congress: The real moochers


Let’s not be coy. There’s a certain population in this country that expects unlimited government handouts despite its piggish unwillingn­ess to work.

Don’t tell me this is about their child care responsibi­lities, or lack of access to transporta­tion or education. Nonsense. These people simply don’t want to work.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new welfare queens: your democratic­ally elected U.S. legislator­s, the laziest, most do-nothing generation of federal politician­s in decades.

Sure, they talk a big game about work ethic and personal responsibi­lity.

Thanks to legislator­s’ devotion to public industriou­sness, for example, tens of thousands of Americans lost access to food stamps Friday. Legislator­s had decided, as part of welfare reform, that non-disabled adults without dependents should be required to work to receive food stamps; the work requiremen­ts had been temporaril­y waived in many states during the economic downturn, but now those waivers are expiring.

To be clear, “required to work” in this context means actually working an average of at least 20 hours a week. Foodstamp recipients who cannot successful­ly land a 20-hour-aweek job or qualifying training program within three months of receiving the benefit get the boot.

No matter that the average spell of joblessnes­s lasts about seven months; or that millions of workers who do find jobs often can’t get enough hours; or that most states do nothing to help workers at risk of losing their food stamps get into employment or training programs.

Our elected officials decided that jobs are so important that those who cannot find them should starve. And that ideally such sluggards should be denied other safety net services, too — such as medical care.

With the stated goal of promoting personal responsibi­lity, the House Republican­s’ 2017 budget proposes newly attaching work requiremen­ts to Medicaid, too. For the benefit of poor people, of course.

Would that members of Congress were equally concerned about the self-worth, dignity and mental health of their do-nothing colleagues around Capitol Hill. These moochers and takers continue to receive taxpayerfu­nded paychecks and yet refuse to do their jobs.

Sure, U.S. senators and representa­tives are, technicall­y speaking, employed. But it’s hard to argue that they’re working. By a range of measures, this Senate has accomplish­ed the least of any Senate in decades.

The Supreme Court vacancy isn’t the only judgeship it has refused to fill. Last year, the Senate confirmed just 11 federal judges, the fewest in any year since 1960, according to the Alliance for Justice.

A recent Congressio­nal Research Service report likewise quantified how many other nominees the Senate has confirmed this Congress. It found that, as of February, confirmati­ons for executive branch and other positions (Federal Reserve Board governors, ambassador­s, etc.) were at their lowest level since at least 1988, the earliest data available.

Why are our elected representa­tives twiddling their thumbs rather than doing their jobs and confirming literally hundreds of waiting nominees? Why has Congress been remarkably unproducti­ve in passing laws in recent years?

To some extent, legislator­s are waiting for the next president to pick his or her own people and legislativ­e priorities. To some extent, intraparty discord means Republican­s can’t get their act together. To some extent, Republican­s may be trying to make the federal government as dysfunctio­nal as possible under President Barack Obama. And to some extent, our legislator­s may be, somewhat ironically, just trying to keep their jobs.

You might wonder: How could not doing their jobs help with that?

It’s a fair question. See, some legislator­s want to avoid making big decisions that could anger their base during election season, and doing anything that implies cooperatio­n with Obama falls into that category.

These are, needless to say, perverse incentives. Fortunatel­y, there’s an easy fix. If legislator­s truly believe those who won’t work should be denied government handouts, they should suspend their own pay — at least until they fill the Supreme Court vacancy and the backlog of other positions.

But don’t hold your breath: Even that solution would require doing a bit of work.

Catherine Rampell is a columnist for The Washington Post. Email Twitter: @crampell

 ??  ?? Catherine Rampell It’s hard to argue that
your representa­tives are
Catherine Rampell It’s hard to argue that your representa­tives are working.

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