Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Hooked on hydration

Hartland engineer develops monitor to improve performanc­e

- By LORI NICKEL lnickel@journalsen­

There are fitness trackers that read heart rates, count calories burned, track steps taken and measure hours asleep.

But what about hydration, one of the most essential factors in athletic performanc­e? How many times have we seen a profession­al athlete cramp up and leave a game to receive IV fluids in the locker room? What if athletes and their trainers could easily monitor their hydration during competitio­n?

Hartland engineer Russ Rymut, a former engineer and technology developer at General Electric and Honeywell Internatio­nal Inc., hopes he has the solution.

Rymut and his Pewaukee-based company, Nobo, unveiled the prototype of his B60 noninvasiv­e hydration monitor recently at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas.

The name B60 evolved from the idea that the body is roughly 60% water, and Nobo is a play on words, for “Knowing the Body.”

The B60, which will be typically worn on the calf, uses optical technology to read whether the body is dehydrated or over-hydrated, both of which can be debilitati­ng or alarming issues. In the testing stages right now, Rymut’s next step is to start working with profession­al and college athletic trainers and elite athletes within a few months.

Knowledge of adequate hydration can be very useful, especially when combined with other data, Rymut said.

“The body is really complex, so staying healthy is not just a matter of walking 10,000 steps a day,” he said. “By measuring new signals, we can know our bodies even better and then perform even better.”

Rymut said the idea for the B60 stemmed from his mother. She had been spending a lot of time with a couple in their 80s, and she noticed how little food and water they were consuming. Then they went to the hospital for various conditions and had less than perfect outcomes.

“It was her idea that they were just dehydrated — and the clinicians didn’t know it,” said Rymut. “So they weren’t adjusting therapies correctly.”

Rymut’s first target audience is elite athletes, but he can envision his device being useful to anyone, from those with very physically active jobs like firefighte­rs or military, to critical-care patients.

B60 will be mostly worn on the calf because the wrist-worn tracker is not a very good location for athletes in competitio­n, Rymut said. B60 works by using optical technology — what you often see in fitness trackers now — shining several different colors of light into the body’s tissues and measuring how much of the light is absorbed.

“Based on that absorption, we can calculate how much water there is in the body,” said Rymut.

One group interested in Rymut’s hydration monitor is the Korey Stringer Institute at the University of Connecticu­t, named for the former Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman who died after collapsing from heatstroke at practice.

Founded by Stringer’s wife, Kelci, the institute is devoted to research and prevention of sudden death in sports and physical activity.

“To date, there is no wearable device that can assess hydration status accurately and reliably, in real time, during exercise and after exercise,” said William Adams, an athletic trainer and exercise scientist who directs the sports safety policy division at KSI.

“If someone is adequately hydrated during activity, their heart rate is going to be lower, their body temperatur­e is going to be lower than if they were dehydrated,” said Adams, adding that the hydrated athlete can exercise at a higher intensity.

However, for every 1% that someone is dehydrated, the body temperatur­e is about a halfdegree higher and the heart rate rises about three to five beats per minute, he said.

Unfortunat­ely, proper hydration isn’t as simple as drinking eight glasses of water a day, it’s dependent on many different factors.

Over-hydration is a concern, too. Rymut said a Boston Marathon study in the last decade found that 13% of runners were over-hydrated, with the body’s electrolyt­e balance thrown off by drinking too much water.

“We’re constantly told, keep drinking water. We go to these races and almost feel guilty passing up a water station,” said Rymut. “(Hyponatrem­ia) can lead to brain swelling, cardiac problems and all other kinds of problems.”

With B60, Rymut wants to take the guessing out of the equation.

“I think in the next five to 10 years, there is going to be a company that will be able to solve this Holy Grail of hydration assessment,” said Adams.

Rymut hopes it’ll be his company and the B60.

 ?? / LNICKEL@JOURNALSEN­TINEL.COM ?? Hartland engineer Russ Rymut shows off the prototype B60 hydration monitor his company invented.
/ LNICKEL@JOURNALSEN­TINEL.COM Hartland engineer Russ Rymut shows off the prototype B60 hydration monitor his company invented.

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