Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Pence rallies GOP to kill health act

Obama asks Dems to remind voters of how ACA has helped


Washington — Donald Trump and Republican congressio­nal leaders continued to insist Wednesday that their plan to dismantle Obamacare remains on a fast track with Trump poised to act on his first day in office in little more than two weeks.

But after Vice Presidente­lect Mike Pence met Wednesday with GOP congressio­nal leaders to plot the demise of the Affordable Care Act, he and House Speaker Paul Ryan offered few details about their plan of attack.

And even Trump offered some cautionary political advice to his own party to make sure Democrats retain blame for the problems with the law.

The GOP-controlled Senate, meanwhile, voted 51-48 Wednesday to move ahead with debate on a budget resolution for fiscal year 2017 that would include instructio­ns for repealing the 2010 law. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote no.

The Senate was expected to debate the resolution into next week with the goal of approving it by Jan. 20, Trump’s inaugurati­on day.

While Pence was meeting with GOP leaders at one end of the Capitol, President Barack Obama huddled with congressio­nal Democrats at the other end to plot how to protect his signature legislativ­e achievemen­t.

Obama visited Congress, 16 days before leaving the White House, championin­g his landmark overhaul before Democratic lawmakers and urging them to remind voters of how the statute has helped them.

“Look out for the American people,” Obama said as he left the meeting in response to shouted questions as to what he had told fellow Democrats.

“Keep up the fight,” Obama told them at a strategy meeting, according to Rep. Tim Ryan (DOhio). “Tell the stories about the people who have benefited from it. The more you can get that message through, the better off we’re going to be.”

Republican leaders insisted they have a plan to replace Obamacare but gave no details Wednesday.

“We have plenty of ideas to replace it,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said after meeting with Pence.

Instead of detailing those ideas, which Ryan said would come in the “weeks and months ahead,” Republican­s criticized Obama for “ruining” the health care system.

Pence said he stressed to Republican­s in their closed-door session the importance of “reminding people” of Obama’s broken promises on health care.

“(Trump) admonished the Congress to be careful and I reiterated that. We’re talking about people’s lives,” Pence said. “But we’re also talking about a policy that has been a failure virtually since its inception. We intend to, over the course of the coming days and weeks, to be speaking directly to the American people about that failure.”

“As (Trump) said this morning in a tweet, it will be important that we … do that in a way that doesn’t work a hardship on American families who have gained insurance through this program (and) doesn’t work a hardship on our economy,” Pence said.

A record number of Americans, 6.4 million, had signed up for health insurance through the 2017 Obamacare program as of mid-December, according to White House officials, about 400,000 more than the previous record by that time. Registrati­on continues through Jan. 31. About 9% of Americans lack health insurance, less than half the rate before Obamacare took effect.

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