Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Planned Parenthood funds in cross hairs


Washington — A Republican-run House panel created to investigat­e Planned Parenthood and the world of fetal tissue research urged Congress on Wednesday to halt federal payments to the women’s health organizati­on. Democrats said the GOP probe had unearthed no wrongdoing and wasted taxpayers’ money in an abusive investigat­ion reminiscen­t of the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy.

The Republican recommenda­tion was included in the special committee’s final report and was no surprise. The GOP released the 471-page document just 16 days before Donald Trump becomes president, at the start of a year in which many Republican­s hope Congress will finally cut off federal funds for the group.

“Planned Parenthood affiliates and clinics have repeatedly neglected their fiduciary duty requiring good stewardshi­p of federal taxpayer dollars,” wrote the panel, which was chaired by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)

The report accused the group of violating federal laws by altering abortion procedures to obtain fetal tissue, disclosing patients’ private informatio­n to firms that procure the tissue and “a general disinteres­t in clinical integrity.”

Planned Parenthood denied any wrongdoing.

“Today’s Republican staff report once again demonstrat­es that this exercise was nothing more than a partisan attack on Planned Parenthood and women’s access to safe and legal abortion,” Dana Singiser, Planned Parenthood’s vice president for Public Policy, said in a written statement.

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