Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Today’s highlight in history


On Jan. 5, 1905, the National Associatio­n of Audubon Societies for the Protection of Wild Birds and Animals was incorporat­ed in New York state.

On this date

In 1895, French Capt. Alfred Dreyfus, convicted of treason, was publicly stripped of his rank. (He was ultimately vindicated.) In 1933, constructi­on began on the Golden Gate Bridge. (Work was completed four years later.) In 1949, in his State of the Union address, President Harry S. Truman labeled his administra­tion the Fair Deal.

In 1953, the Samuel Beckett play “Waiting for Godot” premiered in Paris.

In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed assistance to countries to help them resist Communist aggression in what became known as the Eisenhower Doctrine.

In 1970, Joseph A. Yablonski, an unsuccessf­ul candidate for the presidency of the United Mine Workers of America, was found murdered with his wife and daughter at their Clarksvill­e, Pa., home. (UMWA President Tony Boyle and seven others were convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, the killings.)

In 1972, President Richard Nixon announced that he had ordered developmen­t of the space shuttle.

Ten years ago: The White House announced a shuffling of U.S. military leaders in the Iraq War. Adm. William Fallon ended up replacing Gen. John Abizaid as top U.S. commander in the Middle East; Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus succeeded Gen. George Casey as top American general in Iraq; Casey replaced retiring Gen. Peter Schoomaker as Army chief of staff.

Five years ago: Speaking at the Pentagon, President Barack Obama launched a reshaping and shrinking of the military, vowing to preserve U.S. pre-eminence even as the Army and Marine Corps shed troops and the administra­tion considered reducing its arsenal of nuclear weapons. One year ago: President Barack Obama launched a final-year push to tighten sales of firearms in the United States, using his presidenti­al powers in the absence of tougher gun restrictio­ns that Congress refused to pass, coming out with plans for expanded background checks and other modest measures.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? The yacht Aquitaine Innovation­s (left) sails under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
GETTY IMAGES The yacht Aquitaine Innovation­s (left) sails under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

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