Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Invest in the community

- LISA PUGH Lisa Pugh, state director of The Arc Wisconsin, wrote this commentary on behalf of The Arc and four other statewide disability organizati­ons.

The brutal attack of a teenager with disabiliti­es in Chicago was a heinous act of violence that shocked the nation. However, leading Wisconsin disability organizati­ons do not want this case used as a platform against community inclusion.

In David Ordan’s Jan. 6 commentary “Beating underscore­s need to protect services,” he voices his support for secluding individual­s with disabiliti­es from society, proposing that community living is unsafe.

The responsibi­lity for this crime lies solely with the perpetrato­rs. Blaming society or public policies does not place accountabi­lity on the perpetrato­r, and undermines all of our civil rights, including our rights to live free of violence.

For decades now, each of our organizati­ons, The Arc Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmen­tal Disabiliti­es, Disability Rights Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Coalition for Independen­t Living Centers and the Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizati­ons have advocated for full inclusion for individual­s with disabiliti­es in all aspects of the community.

Like all Americans, people with disabiliti­es deserve the opportunit­y to live independen­tly in the community with their peers. Counter to the assertions in the commentary, evidence is mounting that people living their lives in the community rather than in institutio­ns are not only safer, but healthier. In 2015, the National Council on Disability declared that “overwhelmi­ngly, research demonstrat­es that people attain better outcomes when they live in smaller community-based settings that promote control and choice.”

Horrific abuse and neglect of people with disabiliti­es in our society is not new and occurs in many different settings — from family homes, to group homes to independen­t apartments. The leading cause has been proven to be a lack of awareness and acceptance; people who are seen as less than human.

Rather than hunkering down for another decade in secluded settings that are perceived to be safer, our organizati­ons espouse the belief that the antidote to ignorance is exposure. People with disabiliti­es in the classroom with their peers, in houses of faith, in our neighborho­ods and in our community workplaces, results in real relationsh­ips that make people safer.

Wisconsin has a history of overrelian­ce on facilityba­sed settings, and it is time to shift our system to provide some balance of options for people who want a fuller life in the community. The rates of abuse in states with community employment participat­ion 10 times higher than in Wisconsin are not any greater than Wiscon- sin’s.

The proposed rollback of laws referenced in the Ordan commentary are not where we should be focusing energy if we want to combat abuse and neglect for people with disabiliti­es. We suggest:

Working together to increase opportunit­ies for competitiv­e integrated employment for all individual­s, with safeguards to protect the interests of people affected by this shift.

Collaborat­ing to identify the necessary policy changes and investment required to support community integratio­n and services that allow for people to be safe in their community.

Wisconsin recently has seen an investment in community living that we should be celebratin­g. Gov. Scott Walker has finally put an end to waiting lists through statewide expansion of Family Care and IRIS long-term supports. He is promoting more community employment and said in Tuesday’s state of the state address that he welcomes workers with disabiliti­es as part of the state economy.

Let’s not turn back the clock on progress because of unfounded fears. Let’s look forward together to create awareness and shine light where there is too much darkness.

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