Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Bill targets local union labor deals

Public projects would be affected


Madison — Local government­s in Wisconsin could no longer require contractor­s to reach agreements with labor unions to work on taxpayerfu­nded projects such as bridges or stadiums, under a bill that came before an Assembly committee Tuesday.

If approved, the bill would continue a six-year trend in which Republican­s in the Capitol have reduced or limited the power of unions in the state. The bill’s lead sponsor, Rep. Rob Hutton (R-Brookfield), told the Assembly Labor Committee that he wanted constructi­on firms and other businesses to be able to bid on taxpayer-funded projects even if the companies haven’t reached project labor agreements with unions.

“Requiring PLAs, however, discourage­s many contractor­s from participat­ing in public (projects),” Hutton said. “This is a free-market issue.”

These agreements drew scrutiny from conservati­ves when the Milwaukee Bucks and firms involved in building the team’s new arena reached labor agreements last year setting wages and other conditions with unions and community groups. State and local taxpayers are covering half the cost of the $500 million arena.

Republican­s who back Assembly Bill 24 say it protects taxpayers by ensuring that companies doing acceptable work at a good price can compete for public projects such as a road or government building.

Democrats said the bill was another example of state GOP lawmakers seeking to limit the power of local government­s in Wisconsin while they at the same time ask the Republican Congress and President Donald Trump to give more local control to state government­s.

Stephanie Bloomingda­le, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO, said that taxpayers get the best value when constructi­on firms use skilled union workers making good wages. She said constructi­on projects had been built using these agreements around the country, including Disney World, Hoover Dam and the Marquette Interchang­e project in Milwaukee

“Make no mistake, PLAs have built our country,” Bloomingda­le told the committee. “Why would anyone want to see local government­s restrained from using an important tool that leads to projects being done on time, on budget and local people being put to work?”

These labor agreements can include a range of provisions, including minimum wages for workers, overtime rules, protection­s against work stoppages and a requiremen­t that the constructi­on company or business use workers represente­d by a union.

John Mielke, president of the Associated General Contractor­s of Wisconsin, a trade group representi­ng nonunion constructi­on firms, said that local government­s could still require many of the same standards now found in project labor agreements through other means.

“This bill does one thing and one thing only, and it’s important,” Mielke said. “The bill prohibits government-mandated uniononly project labor agreements.”

Rep. Cory Mason (DRacine) said that the effect of the agreement would be to lower the leverage that constructi­on workers have available to them to push for good wages and benefits.

“Let’s be honest. This is about ensuring you can pay people less,” he said.

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