Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Viall takes dates on a roll through Wisconsin

‘Bachelor’ contestant­s skate, meet family, do farm chores

- ALISON SHERWOOD Editor’s note: Waukesha native Nick Viall is searching for love during his fourth appearance on a “Bachelor”-franchise show. Will he find it? Our reporters will keep you in the loop with weekly updates.

What happened: Wisconsin got a date (or three) with “The Bachelor” this week, but first we picked up where we left off: Vanessa confrontin­g Nick about his reaction to Corinne’s sexually aggressive behavior. Nick doesn’t handle the hot seat well. He thanked Vanessa for being open with him but told her to have patience with Corinne.

Two women went home in the rose ceremony (Christen and Brittany). Host Chris Harrison announced to the remaining women that their journey around the globe to find love begins now. First stop (drumroll): Nick’s hometown of Milwaukee! The ladies managed a few cheers.

First stop in Wisconsin: Nick met his parents at The Steaming Cup in Waukesha for a teary exchange about how he’s ready to find a partner.

Then Nick invited Danielle L. on a oneon-one date. The pair walked around downtown Waukesha, where Nick seemed to have many fond memories — you know, memories of making out with girls at the Waukesha Public Library. They popped into Periwinkle’s Bakery, where the display case held “Nickerdood­le” cookies, and Nick and Danielle tried their hand at decorating self-portrait cookies.

Then, what a surprise (or so we’re supposed to believe): Nick spotted “an ex,” Amber, sitting by the window of a coffee shop. The three sat down and Danielle asked Amber why she thinks Nick is single. Amber won points with Nick by saying he’s “heart-driven.”

Nick and Danielle sipped cocktails in the lobby of the Iron Horse Hotel, where Danielle opened up about her parents’ divorce. Nick gave her the rose, then they walked into a cheering crowd at the Pabst Theater and danced briefly on stage while country singer Chris Lane performed.

Next, a group of women headed to Knigge Farms in Omro and got down and dirty with farm chores: milking cows and shoveling manure (poor choice on the white pants, Josephine).

Corinne, of course, was not interested and proceeded to throw a hissy fit the entire date.

Later, the beauty of the Paine Art Center and Gardens in Oshkosh was overshadow­ed by the drama surroundin­g Corinne. The women confronted her about not participat­ing in the farm activities and her nap during a past rose ceremony (the horror). Corinne vented to the camera with some gold-star quotes and a lengthy selfcompar­ison to a corn husk: “In the middle is this luxury yellow corn with all these little pellets of informatio­n.”

Next, Nick and Raven hung out with Nick’s parents, 11-year-old sister, Bella, and Bella’s soccer team, watching their game and heading with them to Skateland afterward. Nick said it was one of the best dates he’s ever been on.

The best part for viewers came in the second half of the date, when they skated around the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Calatrava (can that be the next MAM After Dark?). Over dinner, Raven described in graphic detail how she caught her ex-boyfriend in the act of cheating on her and proceeded to beat him with his lover’s stiletto. How could Nick not give her the rose after that?

The pre-rose ceremony cocktail party looked to be held at Old World Wisconsin, and was highlighte­d by a heated confrontat­ion between Taylor and (who else?) Corinne. Who will go home in the rose ceremony? We’ll find out next week.

Number of mentions of Wisconsin: Too many to count.

What we learned about Nick: He once “made a girl locker shelves to get a kiss from her.” He is not very good at cookie decorating. Or cow milking. Or goaltendin­g.

Best quote of the night: “I didn’t mean to offend anyone by taking that nap.” Corinne so perfectly encapsulat­es the drama of the “Bachelor” alternate universe we’re plopped into every week. Women remaining: 15 Coming up next: The drama between Corinne and Taylor continues, and we’re told, “One of them won’t survive the week.” It appears the next stop on this journey for love is somewhere warm and inhabited by alligators.

 ?? ABC ?? Nick Viall greets fans at the Pabst Theater during a Chris Lane concert filmed for the show.
ABC Nick Viall greets fans at the Pabst Theater during a Chris Lane concert filmed for the show.

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