Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

High court nominee has defended free speech

Gorsuch disagrees with Trump on libel


Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has been a defender of free speech and a skeptic of libel claims, an Associated Press review of his rulings shows. His record puts him at odds with President Donald Trump’s disdain for journalist­s and tendency to lash out at critics.

On other First Amendment cases involving freedom of religion, however, Gorsuch’s rulings in his decade on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver reflect views more in line with the president and conservati­ves. Gorsuch repeatedly has sided with religious groups when they butt up against the secular state.

In a 2007 opinion involving free speech, Gorsuch ruled for a Kansas citizen who said he was bullied by Douglas County officials into dropping his tax complaints.

“When public officials feel free to wield the powers of their office as weapons against those who question their decisions, they do damage not merely to the citizen in their sights but also to the First Amendment liberties,” Gorsuch wrote.

Trump, who announced Gorsuch as his pick on Jan. 31, has said he is waging a “running war” against the news media and wants to make it easier to sue for libel. The president has used his political stature to fire off harsh attacks on relatively powerless critics such as the father of a dead soldier or a beauty pageant winner.

Gorsuch has sided with those lower on the power scale. In cases in 2007 and 2016, Gorsuch agreed with the court majority in upholding public employees’ claims of retaliatio­n for exercising their constituti­onal rights of free speech and associatio­n.

He repeatedly has interprete­d libel law in light of the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech, rejecting claims based on small mistakes in the offending material. He sided with a broadcaste­r who may have overstated a prisoner’s gang ties and a University of Northern Colorado student who mocked a professor in an online parody that showed him in a Hitler-style mustache.

In a 2011 opinion backing A&E Television Networks, Gorsuch said the law protects not just perfectly true statements against libel claims, but also those that are substantia­lly correct.

With characteri­stic flair, Gorsuch wrote: “Can you win damages in a defamation suit for being called a member of the Aryan Brotherhoo­d prison gang on cable television when, as it happens, you have merely conspired with the Brotherhoo­d in a criminal enterprise? The answer is no. While the statement may cause you a world of trouble, while it may not be precisely true, it is substantia­lly true.”

Gregg Leslie, legal defense director at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said Gorsuch did not break new legal ground on libel or privacy law. But, Leslie said, the judge had upheld existing news media protection­s “without any hesitation.”

In a 2007 privacy case, Gorsuch joined an opinion rejecting the appeal of undercover police officers in Albuquerqu­e, N.M., who said their privacy was violated by a TV news broadcast that exposed their names and identities. The court said the broadcast reported on a matter of legitimate public concern because the officers had been implicated in an alleged incident of sexual assault — even though they were eventually exonerated.

In 2014, Gorsuch wrote a concurring court opinion that emphasized First Amendment rights in a campaign finance dispute that also hinged on the constituti­onal guarantee of equal treatment under the law. Gorsuch agreed with the court majority that Colorado’s campaign finance law treated writein candidates unfairly because it set lower contributi­on limits for them. He said there’s a freespeech guarantee in picking a preferred candidate, and that the Colorado law sprang from “a bald desire to help major party candidates at the expense of minor party candidates.”

Outside the courtroom, Gorsuch has a long history of arguing for free speech, sometimes in defense of causes popular with conservati­ves. As an undergradu­ate at Columbia University in New York, he said free speech should apply to military recruiters on campus. Despite that, he challenged speech that offended him at the time, threatenin­g to sue over a poster he claimed misstated the financing of a newspaper he helped found.

His respect for free speech notwithsta­nding, Gorsuch has ruled against false advertisin­g when he believed it contained significan­t lies.

“Most everyone expects a little audacity — maybe even a little mendacity — in their advertisin­g,” Gorsuch wrote in 2015 to uphold a claim by General Steel Corp. against a competitor. “But sometimes advertisin­g crosses the line from harmless hyperbole into underhande­d deception with material commercial consequenc­es.”

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