Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Don’t reward GOP’s obstructio­nism

- JENNI DYE ROGER HARVELL Jenni Dye is the research director of One Wisconsin Institute.

President Donald Trump has raised the stakes of this debate since his nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch with tweets and tirades against the judiciary, either oblivious or outright opposed to the role an independen­t judiciary is supposed to play in our government: one of checks and balances.

Those checks are critically important with the current administra­tion, given the disturbing and unresolved issues surroundin­g Trump’s administra­tion and his repeated, publicly expressed disdain for a separate and equal judicial branch of government, as mandated by our Constituti­on.

The American people deserve a consensus nominee whose loyalty is to all of the American people and our American values, not one president or one party.

But Gorsuch has shown he is far from that. His record shows him to be far to the right on nearly every issue. He is a staunch backer of favoring corporatio­ns and limiting workers’ rights, supported giving judges more power to strike down federal rules that protect consumers and the environmen­t and has shown himself to be an extremist who believes corporatio­ns belong in the bedroom and your boss ought to be able to decide if you can have access to birth control through your insurance.

For these reasons, Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court ought to be resisted. Democrats should hold Republican­s to account, and both parties should work to put the American people and the rule of law first.

Our federal courts are critically important to issues such as protecting voting rights and participat­ion in the political process; ensuring equal treatment for all regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientatio­n; protecting access to comprehens­ive health care; and ultimately providing a check and balance on the powers of Congress and the president.

A seat for life on the Supreme Court can shape how cases are decided and rights are protected, or lost, for decades. For the health of our democracy, the reward for Republican­s stealing a seat on the Supreme Court ought not be the lifetime appointmen­t of a right-wing judge who could shape the direction of our nation’s highest court for decades. But that is just what Trump, aided and abetted by his Washington, D.C., acolytes willing to put party before patriotism, are attempting.


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