Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Abortion bills by men


The Journal Sentinel has printed many articles and news about efforts to further curb abortions.

Positions taken by Rep. Andre Jacque (R-De Pere) and Rep. Joel Kleefisch (R-Oconomowoc) and supported by Gov. Scott Walker were reported on Jan. 8; U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Jan. 6; Christian Schneider on Sept. 25, and Attorney General Brad Schimel supported by Walker on March 22 (“Abortion foes seek ban after 12 weeks,” “GOP aims to ‘defund’ Planned Parenthood,” “America’s self-inflicted missing persons crisis,”) “Brad Schimel asks U.S. high court to reinstate abortion requiremen­t” ).

In the last 60 years, numerous proposals in Congress and state legislatur­es were proposed by men. Include Andrew Puzder, who was nominated but withdrew for secretary of labor, who authored a Missouri bill prohibitin­g use of public funds for abortions.

Anyone notice a phenomenon? Most antiaborti­on efforts are proposed and voted into law by men. Thus, I ask, when was the last time a man had an unwanted pregnancy? Can these men answer the question: How does the birth of an unwanted child help society?

I’ve noticed these same men do little to publicly fund education, food, health care, housing, transporta­tion and usually want to cut taxes.

All legislatio­n should pass a test. Is the legislatio­n for the greater good of everyone?

Eugene Barufkin Wauwatosa

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