Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Watson’s Belle ditches the corset


Poor Madame de Garderobe. The chest of drawers-come-to-life (voiced by Audra McDonald) is blissfully stuck in Disney-past while trying to dress Belle (Emma Watson) of Disney-future. Pulling out pink sashes and a giant hoop skirt, the trappings of gentile ladies in 18th century France, she misses the sartorial mark.

“Finally, a woman!” she proclaims. “I will find you something worthy of a princess.”

“Oh, I’m not a princess,” Belle retorts.

Welcome to the future, where Disney princesses, er, heroines are not confined to a certain set of beauty standards. The live action remake of “Beauty and the Beast,” out now, gives the 21year-old classic an update.

Costume designer Jacqueline Durran, who has dressed complex women in “Atonement,” “Anna Karenina” and “Pride and Prejudice,” worked closely with Watson and director Bill Condon to perfectly embody this nouvelle Belle.

“It’s not a massive reinterpre­tation, she was always bookish, always engaged. But I think that’s moved forward,” Durran said about Belle’s educationa­l pursuits. “She’s more of an active heroine then she ever was before.”

That means several noticeable changes in Belle’s wardrobe. First to go was the corset.

Unlike the live remake of “Cinderella” — which caught heat for how teeny tiny Lily James’ waist appeared in the iconic blue dress, and for James’ comments about the unpleasant undergarme­nt — “Beauty” makes a point to uncinch Watson’s midsection.

“Belle doesn’t wear a corset, ever,” Durran said. “She wouldn’t be someone who would wear something that would stop her breathing as much as she needed to because she wanted to look a certain way. Belle is not the same sort of princess as Cinderella,” Durran said. “It was all about not making her into a princess.”

Belle also ditched a fancy heel to go with her gown. She may need to hop a puddle or two on her way to the town wash basin, so Durran traded her soft flats from the animation for sturdy lace-up boots and socks.

Belle does keep the gold necklace, ear cuff and headpiece that accessoriz­e the yellow dress. After all, a 21st century leading lady still needs a little bling.

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