Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

It’s not about health

- CATHERINE RAMPELL Catherine Rampell’s email address is

Let’s abandon the pretense.

Republican­s’ “health care” bill is not really about health care. It’s not about improving access to health insurance, or reducing premiums, or making sure you get to keep your doctor if you like your doctor. And it’s certainly not about preventing people from dying in the streets.

Instead, it’s about hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts — tax cuts that will quietly pave the way for more, and far larger, tax cuts.

The American Health Care Act, which has been opposed by nearly every possible stakeholde­r of nearly every ideologica­l orientatio­n, is being rushed through Congress with non-extreme vetting. In fact, it passed out of one committee in the middle of the night, overseen by a committee chairman who just a day earlier criticized Obamacare for being “written in the dark of night.”

From the bill text, we can tell the directiona­lity of some of the changes Republican­s are proposing — i.e., tax revenue will fall, lots of people will lose health coverage and the Medicare trust fund will be exhausted sooner. But we still don’t know the magnitude of these changes — i.e., how much, how many or when, respective­ly.

We don’t know the answers to these questions yet because Republican­s don’t want us to know them. Part of the reason they have rushed the bill through committees is to front-run an (inevitably unflatteri­ng) analysis from the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office.

In the meantime, other experts and government bodies have scrambled to compile their own estimates for the bill’s effects.

The ratings and analytics firm S&P Global has ballparked the number of people who would lose their insurance at 6 million to 10 million; others have offered figures as high as 15 million and 20 million. Meanwhile, a group of health researcher­s calculated that the bill would increase costs for enrollees on the individual insurance market by, on average, more than $1,500 per year when it would take effect, and by more than $2,400 per year by 2020.

For those keeping score, that means fewer people would have insurance, those who get insurance on the exchanges would pay a higher price for it and Medicare’s solvency would be jeopardize­d as a bonus.

Hard to see how this achieves any of President Donald Trump’s stated goals to “lower costs, expand choices, increase competitio­n and ensure health care access for all Americans.”

On the other hand, it’s quite easy to see how another wellestabl­ished Republican goal would be achieved: tax cuts. Specifical­ly, $600 billion of them, predominan­tly benefiting the rich.

The Joint Committee on Taxation has released a series of estimates showing what some of the tax-related provisions of Trumpcare would do.

Among the biggest are repeals of two ACA surtaxes on the highest-earning Americans: a 0.9% payroll tax add-on and a 3.8% tax on net investment income for couples whose incomes exceed $250,000 ($200,000 for individual­s).

Repealing these would cost $275 billion over the next decade.

The law also axes other taxes, such as the tanning tax (once nicknamed the Snooki Tax, but now apparently a symbol of patriarcha­l oppression), and excise taxes on insurers; drug manufactur­ers and importers; and medical device manufactur­ers and importers.

Based on what the Joint Committee has scored so far — and it has not analyzed every revenue loser in the bill — these tax cuts come to about $600 billion.

The presence of expensive tax cuts in a bill purportedl­y about health-care reform is not a side effect; it’s the entire point.

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