Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

We must be willing to stand up for justice

- GABRIELA DIEGUEZ Gabriela Dieguez, LCSW is a member of the National Associatio­n of Social Workers, Wisconsin Chapter, in Milwaukee.

The preamble of the National Associatio­n of Social Workers code of ethics reads: “The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowermen­t of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.”

Since the election of our new president, I have found it more difficult to be true to the ethics of my profession. As a social worker in a clinic that serves primarily Latino patients, I have spoken with many patients concerned about family members who live in danger but are unable to join them in the United States. I have heard stories of children here being harassed because they speak a second language or have accented English. I have started to wonder how I will react if someone harasses me because of my accent.

As a social worker, I listen to the people seeking my help, and I work as a partner with them to figure out solutions to the problems they are facing. Currently, their biggest problem is the uncertaint­y of rules that change day to day. I am not able to reassure my 8year-old patient who worries that his family will not be able to stay together. I am not able to say to my client who was stopped while driving, “Don’t worry. Present yourself at court. You will be able to explain your case and receive a fair hearing.” What can I say to my diabetic patient who has stopped taking care of himself because of stress and fear?

It is time for people who see a sister or a brother in their fellow human beings to be intentiona­l and obvious about it. Don’t be an idle witness to harassment. Be willing to stand up for justice. Be willing to converse with people who have an accent who don’t look like you, help us feel safe. Be active, and let your opinion be heard. Contact your representa­tives, talk to your friends and family, and become part of an organizati­on.

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