Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Cheers to your health

Much about the state of our health rests squarely in our hands. Let this special section be your guide.

- — Nancy Stohs and Lori Nickel

Eating right, getting regular exercise and a good night’s sleep, and refusing to yield to stress can do our bodies so much good. … We can feel better, live longer.

But what exactly should we be eating (or not eating)? What exercise regimen is best for you? What’s an effective antidote to insomnia … or anxiety? One step at a time. Relax. Inhale. And welcome to Breathe, our special section focused on health. Inside you’ll find advice and informatio­n to help you get healthy and stay healthy. Through stories, recipes, fitness tips, interviews with experts and more, we hope to provide the inspiratio­n you need to improve your health.

What could be more inspiring than people training to run their first marathon?

Today, Journal Sentinel sports writer Lori Nickel begins her ongoing report on six such local runners.

We’ll find out why they run — whether it’s for a bit of sanity in a crazy work week, to maintain weight loss or out of determinat­ion to stay healthy.

We’ll find out who they run for — a mom who is a cancer survivor, a friend in a wheelchair, a wife living with multiple sclerosis.

And we’ll discover how they’ll prepare for one of the greatest athletic challenges out there for the amateur athlete.

Over the next seven months, we’ll take you through the training runs, the shoe shopping, the doctor visits and the practice races. Regular updates will appear online at­hon, where you’ll also find videos and a blog with posts in the runners’ own words. As you’ll come to see, running is never just about the finish line. And likewise, good health is not an end point but a process. Let these stories help you in that lifelong endeavor, one day and one step at a time.

 ?? LEE ANN DZELZKALNS ?? Lee Ann Dzelzkalns greets the sunrise and meditates in gratitude for the day with a Tibetan singing bowl at Zion National Park in Utah atop a canyon called, fittingly, The Center of the Universe.
LEE ANN DZELZKALNS Lee Ann Dzelzkalns greets the sunrise and meditates in gratitude for the day with a Tibetan singing bowl at Zion National Park in Utah atop a canyon called, fittingly, The Center of the Universe.

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