Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Gratitude practice


Claire Stillman, executive director of omTown Yogis, said there are many ways individual­s can center themselves. One of her favorites is called a gratitude practice. “Many of the anxieties we have are based around wanting something different than what we have, wanting something we don’t have, wanting something we used to have, wanting to re-do something in the past or wanting something we feel we deserve,” she said. “Bringing into focus the things we do have — both small and large — has great power to counter-balance all that and thus bring us closer to center. “This is called a gratitude practice, and there are many versions of it. “Here is one that may take as little as five minutes. It can be done as needed when you feel anxiety or an acute ‘want,’ and/or, better yet, on a regular basis such as first thing in the morning, just before bed or over your lunch hour. Go at your own pace and sit quietly for a breath or two between each step. You can use these points or make a list of three or four of your own each time you practice.


Sit down and take a few full, calm

breaths. Close your eyes if you want. Let your awareness move to your immediate environmen­t: all the things you can smell, taste, touch, see and hear. Then say to yourself: “For this, I am grateful.”


Next, bring to mind a person or people in your life to whom you are close: for example, your friends, family or partner. Say to yourself, “For this, I am grateful.”


Next, turn your attention

onto yourself. You are a unique individual with your own unique gifts, known and unknown. You have a miraculous body and mind that are functionin­g, even with any challenges they may be facing. Say to yourself: “For this, I am grateful.”


Bring your focus and feeling to your life, as it is a precious gift. Say to yourself: “For this, I am grateful.”


Put a little smile on your face, breathe fully and open your eyes.


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