Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

MPS becomes a ‘safe haven’


Joining school districts around the country, the Milwaukee School Board on Thursday passed a resolution declaring itself a safe haven for students and families threatened by deportatio­n and vowing to oppose the actions of U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agents “by all legal means available.”

The unanimous vote drew a standing ovation from the crowd, many of them students, parents and teachers.

“Schools are sanctuarie­s … where children come to learn … where children come for peace (and) for hope,” said board member Tatiana Joseph, co-sponsor of the resolution. She came to the United States from Costa Rica as an undocument­ed child herself and lived in fear for years that her parents could be arrested and deported.

“It is my responsibi­lity as a board member who represents over 70,000 children to protect them, whether you’re documented or undocument­ed,” she said to applause.

Superinten­dent Darienne Driver endorsed

the measure and acknowledg­ed the students in the crowd.

“Seeing all of you here tonight makes us so proud. Words can’t really describe it,” she said.

The vote followed more than 90 minutes of testimony, often emotional and overwhelmi­ngly supportive, and a rally before the meeting organized by Youth in the Struggle, an arm of the advocacy group Voces de la Frontera, which provided advice on the resolution.

One by one, speakers stepped to the podium to share their stories: of arduous journeys to a new country, of fears that parents could be deported, of proud parents who saw their children grow and blossom in schools where they felt safe. They urged and pleaded with board members to pass the resolution.

With Thursday’s vote, MPS joins numerous school districts around the country that have passed similar measures in the wake of President Donald Trump’s steppedup enforcemen­t of U.S. immigratio­n laws aimed at deporting vast numbers of undocument­ed immigrants.

Trump had made immigratio­n enforcemen­t a hallmark of his campaign, vilifying undocument­ed immigrants as miscreants and criminals. And he made good on that rhetoric in January, signing an executive order that dramatical­ly broadened the offenses for which undocument­ed persons could be deported and resurrecti­ng a program that authorizes local law enforcemen­t agencies to work with ICE to arrest and detain undocument­ed immigrants.

ICE maintains that it does not typically arrest individual­s at “sensitive locations,” such as schools and churches. However, aggressive arrests around the country, including one of a father who had just dropped off his daughter at school have heightened fears.

The MPS resolution was written with help from parents, students, teachers and others. Among other things, it:

Bars MPS staff, contractor­s, volunteers and representa­tives from using district resources to aid in the arrest of a person “whose only violation of the law” is that they are — or are suspected of being — undocument­ed. (It does not address undocument­ed persons with criminal records.)

Prohibits sharing a student’s or guardian’s immigratio­n status, or other protected informatio­n, without a valid court order or signed release.

Establishe­s a precise protocol for steps to be taken if ICE or its designee attempts to enter a school. Among them: Ask and make copies of agents’ IDs and warrants if they have them; and contact the student’s parent or guardian, as well as the district’s attorney.

Gives Driver 30 days to create an immigratio­n advisory group; develop resources for students, families and staff; and encourages city and county representa­tives to establish “a safe-haven perimeter” within which families can feel safe bringing their children to school.

 ?? MICHAEL MCLOONE / FOR THE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Students gather before a vote Thursday declaring MPS a sanctuary district. More photos at
MICHAEL MCLOONE / FOR THE JOURNAL SENTINEL Students gather before a vote Thursday declaring MPS a sanctuary district. More photos at

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