Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Senate passes anti-Planned Parenthood bill


WASHINGTON Republican legislatio­n letting states deny federal family planning money to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers squeezed narrowly through the Senate Thursday, rescued by an ailing GOP senator who returned to the Capitol after back surgery and a tie-breaking vote by Vice President Mike Pence.

In Congress’ latest clash mixing the politics of abortion, women’s health and states’ rights, Pence cast the decisive vote in a 51-50 roll call. The tally had been tied after two GOP senators, Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski and Maine’s Susan Collins, joined Democrats opposing the measure.

Senate approval sent the legislatio­n to President Donald Trump, who was expected to sign it. The House voted its consent last month.

The bill erases a regulation imposed by former President Barack Obama shortly before he left office that lets states deny family planning funds to organizati­ons only if they are incapable of providing those services. Some states have passed laws in recent years denying the money to groups that provide abortions.

Passage gives Republican­s and antiaborti­on groups a victory after the party’s highly touted health care overhaul disintegra­ted in the House due to GOP divisions. Besides erasing much of the health care law, the failed House bill would have blocked federal funds for Planned Parenthood for a year.

There already is a ban on using federal funds for abortion except for rare instances.

Democrats assailed the legislatio­n as an attack on women.

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