Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


Opinion on town hall ‘uprising.’


Earlier this month, my colleague Eric Harris, who serves as communicat­ions director for Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), published a perspectiv­e in The Washington Post on the volume of phone calls being made to Congress in recent weeks.

In his piece, Harris thanks “furious callers who continue to bombard” their office because “their sentiments come from a genuine place of sincerity and alarm” about the current administra­tion. He also labels these calls as a “spontaneou­s grass-roots uprising.”

From where I’m sitting, “spontaneou­s grass-roots uprising” is a gross mischaract­erization of what actually is occurring on Capitol Hill and in district offices throughout the nation, and specifical­ly here in Wisconsin.

As communicat­ions director for Rep. Jim Sensenbren­ner (R-Wis.), I’ve also spent a fair amount of time answering phone calls. Since the start of 2017, on average we have received 10 times more calls than in the previous year. The majority of calls are from individual­s reading identical scripts, many of whom are not constituen­ts of Sensenbren­ner.

The terms “spontaneou­s” and “scripted” are in direct opposition to each other. Since it’s clear this “uprising” is scripted, I’m not sure how anyone could argue spontaneit­y.

I do share Harris’s sentiment that constituen­t calls and communicat­ions are always welcome in Sensenbren­ner’s office. In fact, Sensenbren­ner has made it a point to be highly accessible and responsive to his constituen­ts, no matter their ideology, which is why he holds more in-person town hall meetings than any member of Congress — more than 100 annually.

However, much like the scripted calls we receive each day, Sensenbren­ner’s town hall meetings have been inundated with planned opposition — individual­s who come to meetings with scripted questions and a predetermi­ned plan to disrupt proceeding­s.

This is, unfortunat­ely, the new normal in today’s political climate. But it wasn’t always this way.

As recently as last fall, town hall meetings were still legitimate forums for constituen­ts to discuss ideas and concerns with their representa­tives. In Sensenbren­ner’s district, small groups of constituen­ts would come to his town halls and speak with him directly. They often held opposing views, but they were earnest and honest. They respected the congressma­n’s position, and, although they disagreed, they allowed their fellow constituen­ts to speak without interrupti­on. People could leave knowing their voices were heard.

Now, due to the recent uprising of the national protest group, Indivisibl­e, the days of productive, meaningful town hall meetings are obsolete. In our district and across the country, civil discourse has given way to planned protests, frequent disruption­s and stunts performed to capture embarrassi­ng footage of Republican representa­tives; footage the media will publicize no matter how banal.

Indivisibl­e’s local group leaders mobilize their members to attend meetings, often recruiting the same people to follow a representa­tive to multiple meetings. They provide prewritten questions to group members and have them ask them repeatedly at every meeting. They rehearse asking questions and follow-ups prior to meetings, and they strategize over how to best agitate representa­tives in the hopes they can catch something on film that can be misconstru­ed or taken out of context.

Additional­ly, local Indivisibl­e chapters hold weekly protests at district offices nationwide, even when they know the member of Congress is not there.

Every American has the right to free speech and assembly; however, what do these tactics actually accomplish? This brand of disruptive behavior and adverse commentary further infects an already inauspicio­us political climate. This type of political exhibition divides families, friends and neighbors. But, most significan­tly, it robs others of their opportunit­y to have an equal say in the political process.

Thanks to Newton’s Third Law, we know that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the reaction to outlandish behavior by protest groups is constituen­ts losing their opportunit­y to speak to their representa­tives. It is individual­s being forced to wait longer to have their issues with the federal government resolved because protesters are monopolizi­ng the time and attention of district case workers. It is an environmen­t that separates, disparages and demeans people with diverse opinions.

Sensenbren­ner likes to say that we can disagree without being disagreeab­le. For many years, this was true, and I believe it can be true again. Difference­s of opinion and spirited debate can exist without blatant disrespect, cheap personal attacks and media fanfare. As Americans, I know we can get back to that place with a little self-reflection, honesty and understand­ing. And with a little luck, maybe it will start before our next town hall meeting.

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