Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump tweets won’t cut it.

- RAMESH PONNURU Ramesh Ponnuru is a Bloomberg View columnist. Sign up for our newsletter, Real Time Opinion, for a weekly roundup of the best commentary in Wisconsin, right, center and left. Go to

If President Donald Trump really wants to bring the House Freedom Caucus to heel, he probably will have to escalate his attacks on it. Tweets about the group of 30 or so of the most conservati­ve Republican­s in the House won’t do it. He will have to name individual members and recruit strong primary challenger­s against them — and not just threaten to do it.

And while we often hear that the Republican Party now belongs to Trump, primary challenger­s hoping to defeat conservati­ve congressme­n will have three problems that Trump didn’t face during his run for president. They are unlikely to be as famous as Trump, they probably won’t command the media attention he did, and they will be running against establishe­d incumbents. Last year, candidates attempting to run as mini-Trumps took on two conservati­ve incumbents — House Speaker Paul Ryan and Sen. Marco Rubio — and lost badly.

You can see why Trump would want more loyal allies in Congress. My National Review colleague Rich Lowry writes that “Trumpism is in crisis,” because there is no Trumpist cadre in Congress. The Freedom Caucus generally is animated by a vision of limited government to which Trump is at best indifferen­t.

Trumpism has a deeper problem, though, which is that it doesn’t, well, exist.

You can piece together a coherent and distinctiv­e political program, maybe even a political philosophy, from some of Trump’s most deeply held positions and from the interests and views of his most dedicated fans. The components would include restrictio­ns on trade and immigratio­n, a foreign policy based frankly on a narrow conception of American interests, a moderate social conservati­sm, and support for activist government when it helps working-class voters.

Trumpism so defined surely would appeal to a lot of Republican voters, and probably to a lot of non-Republican­s, too. But it would leave a lot of other Republican voters cold.

It’s not even the worldview of many of Trump’s executive-branch appointees.

And it’s not clear that Trump is a Trumpist himself. If he were, he probably would not be criticizin­g the Freedom Caucus for refusing to support Ryan’s health care bill. He would be criticizin­g the bill because it would cause many workingcla­ss voters to lose their health insurance.

Trump is emphasizin­g points of agreement between conservati­sm and Trumpism, such as immigratio­n control.

But attacking your coalition partners over Twitter probably would not be a major component of any rational Trumpist strategy.

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