Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump trumpets his first 100 days.


As he neared the end of his first 100 days in office, President Donald Trump touted his first three months as a rousing success.

“No administra­tion has accomplish­ed more in the first 90 days,” Trump told an audience last week in Kenosha.

That’s a pretty high bar, especially for an administra­tion that has registered historical­ly low levels of support in public-approval polls for presidents this early in their terms.

The White House didn’t respond to an inquiry for this article, but when asked about some of the president’s 100-day accomplish­ments during the April 19 press briefing, White House press secretary Sean Spicer cited a series of executive orders, including some on regulatory reform; a drop in border crossings; and job creation. He said more details would be offered as the 100-day mark approached.

We interviewe­d historians and considered the 100-day track records of presidents back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. While there’s a lot of nuance in gauging accomplish­ments, Trump doesn’t have much evidence to back up his boast that his administra­tion has accomplish­ed the most.

Some caveats

All presidenci­es are different, and there’s an especially big difference between those that began after an election and those that got their start suddenly. The latter category includes presidents who took over after the death of their predecesso­r (such as Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson) or their predecesso­r’s resignatio­n (Gerald Ford).

In addition, it’s easier for a president to put points on the board quickly if they enter office in the midst of a national crisis. This was true for Roosevelt (the Great Depression), Truman (the end of World War II), Ford (the Watergate scandal), and Barack Obama (the Great Recession). Without a crisis, Congress is less likely to act quickly.

Perhaps most notably, there is widespread agreement among historians that the 100day standard is arbitrary. Just because a president signs a significan­t law outside the 100-day window doesn’t make it less of an accomplish­ment.

For instance, Johnson and Ronald Reagan “laid the groundwork for gigantic accomplish­ments” such as on civil rights and taxes, respective­ly, that fell outside the 100-day window, said Princeton University historian Sean Wilentz.

And both Truman and Dwight Eisenhower were preoccupie­d with wars during their first 100 days, said Max J. Skidmore, a University of Missouri-Kansas City political scientist who has written several books on the presidency.

The numbers

Let’s start with the raw numbers. Our friends at the Washington Post Fact Checker did some calculatio­ns comparing

Trump’s bill-signing output to that of his predecesso­rs during their first 100 days.

The Post counted 28 bills signed by Trump — the highest since 1949, but well below the 76 signed by Roosevelt in 1933. Moreover, many of Trump’s bills were “minor or housekeepi­ng bills,” and none met a longstandi­ng political-science standard for “major bills.” By contrast, at least nine of Roosevelt’s did.

Meanwhile, by the time of the Kenosha speech, Trump had signed 24 executive orders, 22 presidenti­al memorandum­s, and 20 proclamati­ons, the Post noted.

Some of these started the ball rolling to overturn federal regulation­s. While these may eventually have a significan­t impact, it’s worth noting that many new presidents routinely issue orders during their first 100 days that overturn actions of their predecesso­rs of the opposite party.

For instance, just two days after taking office, President Bill Clinton signed orders overturnin­g restrictio­ns on abortion imposed during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administra­tions, and with equal speed, President George W. Bush overturned Clinton’s opposition to a ban on aid to internatio­nal groups that participat­e in abortions.

Trump’s accomplish­ments

Historians we checked with mostly agreed that Trump’s appointmen­t of Neil Gorsuch to fill a Supreme Court vacancy was a significan­t event, and one that could influence public policy long after Trump leaves the White House.

That said, some cautioned against making too much of Gorsuch’s confirmati­on, arguing that it followed the nearly yearlong blockage of Obama nominee Merrick Garland by the Republican Senate. “It was really (Senate Majority Leader Mitch) McConnell’s achievemen­t,” said Jeff Shesol, author of books on Roosevelt and Johnson and a former speechwrit­er for Clinton.

Meanwhile, Trump’s military actions — his missile strikes on Syria and the dropping of an unusually large bomb on an ISIS bunker — are hardly unpreceden­ted for a president’s first 100 days. George W. Bush attacked Iraqi radar sites to enforce a nofly zone, and Obama pledged to double the number of U.S. military personnel in Afghanista­n.

Trump’s decision to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade agreement echoes George W. Bush’s decision to pull out of the Kyoto Protocol on curbing global warming. And the Trump administra­tion’s successful effort to win the release of Aya Hijazi, an American aid worker jailed for three years in Egypt on dubious charges, isn’t unpreceden­ted either. Moments after taking office in 1981, Ronald Reagan announced the imminent freeing of American hostages held in Iran for over a year.

Several historians said Trump has faced some significan­t setbacks as well. His first big legislativ­e push — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act — stalled without even a final vote, and he has been slower than his predecesso­rs in making sub-cabinet appointmen­ts. Trump also failed to submit a detailed budget proposal of the kind his predecesso­rs had typically submitted by now.

Then there’s Trump’s immigratio­n ban, which would likely count as a major accomplish­ment if it’s enacted, but which is frozen for now. It was issued, blocked by the courts, rewritten, and then blocked again.

The champion: FDR

The 100-day record of just one president — Franklin Roosevelt — would be enough to cast doubt on the accuracy of Trump’s claim that no administra­tion has accomplish­ed more.

The 15 major bills Roosevelt signed included those that created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Tennessee Valley Authority (both of which still exist) and the Home Owners Loan Corp. He signed the Agricultur­al Adjustment Act, which establishe­d farm subsidies, and the National Industrial Recovery Act, which started public-works efforts to reverse the Great Depression. He signed legislatio­n to legalize the manufactur­e and sale of beer and wine, and he issued executive orders to establish the Civilian Conservati­on Corps and to effectivel­y take the United States off the gold standard.

All in all, Roosevelt pushed the federal government to take a much bigger role than it had previously, said Adam Cohen, author of “Nothing to Fear: FDR’s Inner Circle and the Hundred Days That Created Modern America.”

“When FDR took office, the banking system had collapsed,” Cohen said. “His emergency banking act got the banks open again and the system up and running. He got the Securities Act of 1933 enacted. It was the first major federal regulation of the stock market, which laid the groundwork for the kind of government regulation we now take for granted.”

Other presidents’ 100-day achievemen­ts

Other presidents have chalked up significan­t achievemen­ts as well.

Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act, while Obama signed not only a nearly $800 billion stimulus package to combat a spiraling recession but also the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and a law expanding the

Children’s Health Insurance Program. He also implemente­d two urgent economic programs formally passed in the final weeks of George W. Bush’s presidency — the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the auto industry bailout.

Other presidents have taken executive actions at least as significan­t as Trump’s. Kennedy establishe­d the Peace Corps (later ratified by Congress). Ford, meanwhile, pardoned his predecesso­r, Nixon, and offered amnesty to Vietnam War draft dodgers.

Truman’s first 100 days were a whirlwind of foreign-policy actions — the end of World War II in Europe, the writing of the United Nations charter, the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, and Japan’s unconditio­nal surrender.

Sometimes, a president’s biggest accomplish­ment is intangible. Roosevelt calmed a nation gut-punched by the Depression, while Johnson reassured Americans after the shock of Kennedy’s assassinat­ion.

Evaluating Trump’s 100 days

One of the biggest impacts of Trump’s first 100 days may fall into this “intangible” category.

“Even if there are not many major tangible accomplish­ments, his administra­tion has changed the political and cultural trajectory of the country — not as much as FDR did following Herbert Hoover, but more than the average new president does,” Cohen said. “It has been somewhat amorphous and hard to quantify, but it is certainly something many Americans are feeling.”

John Frendreis, a political scientist at Loyola University in Chicago, said Trump’s 100 days seem most similar to Clinton’s, which were also disorganiz­ed, short of focus and marked by the failure to pass an economic stimulus package. That said, he added, “it is instructiv­e to note that Clinton’s presidency turned out to be reasonably successful after this rocky start, so this suggests a similar turn-around is possible for Trump.”

Our ruling

Trump said, “No administra­tion has accomplish­ed more in the first 90 days.”

Trump has had some achievemen­ts in office, but at the very least, they are much less numerous and far-reaching than those of Roosevelt, the standard against whom all presidents are measured. In more recent years, other presidents, including Obama, have accomplish­ed more in their first 100 days than Trump has, historians say. We rate the claim False.

Louis Jacobson is a reporter for The Journal Sentinel’s PolitiFact Wisconsin is part of the PolitiFact network.

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