Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Johnson explains his ‘protest vote’

Senator was opposed to debt funding in disaster relief bill


MUSKEGO - Other Republican­s might be upset by President Donald Trump doing a deal with Democrats. But not Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson. “I’m not freaking out at all,” Johnson said Friday after an appearance at Inpro Corp., a manufactur­er. “I can see so many benefits to doing that.”

Still, Johnson lodged a “protest vote” Thursday against a measure that was signed off on by Trump and top Democrats Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.

Johnson was among 17 Senate Republican­s to vote against a deal that included a $15.25 billion disaster relief package, a debt ceiling extension and temporary funding of the government.

The House approved the bill Friday, with 90 Republican­s voting against the measure.

“My vote was not against the victims of Harvey and Irma,” Johnson said. “I would have voted for that stuff in a heartbeat. My vote was against an increase in the debt ceiling with nothing attached to it.”

During a 45-minute listening session, Johnson got an earful from several employees who were upset that Congress hasn’t enacted any of Trump’s priorities, including building a wall on the southern border with Mexico and repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

Johnson said it was difficult to pass legislatio­n. He also cited problems raised by what he called organized resistance against Trump.

“Never in my lifetime have I seen the resistance to a president as we’ve had with this president,” Johnson told one questioner. “I’m not trying to make this partisan, but it’s just true. Have you ever witnessed a new president, the next day having hundreds of thousands of people protest his election, the day after inaugurati­on?

“There has been a concerted effort, from the beginning, to sabotage this presidency. People within government leaking classified informatio­n to undermine the presidency.

“I’m not passing judgment on the validity of the informatio­n. I’m just saying the leaking of classified informatio­n is a big problem and it has certainly undermined the president’s ability to keep this nation safe, prosperous and secure,” Johnson said.

In an interview, Johnson said he has heard others voice frustratio­n with Congress not enacting Trump’s agenda.

Johnson said when he returned to Wisconsin after the Senate failed to pass legislatio­n to repeal and replace Obamacare, “Nobody was blaming Trump on our side. They’re all blaming Congress. And Congress is to blame. President Trump will sign what we put on his desk. We just didn’t get our act together and put something on his desk.”

Johnson expressed hope that Congress can come together on immigratio­n in the wake of the Trump administra­tion’s decision to phase out a program that enables up to 800,000 young undocument­ed immigrants to remain in the country and work legally.

 ?? BILL GLAUBER / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson speaks to the media after fielding questions from employees at Muskego manufactur­er Inpro Corp.
BILL GLAUBER / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson speaks to the media after fielding questions from employees at Muskego manufactur­er Inpro Corp.

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