Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump defends dalliance with Democrats

President complains GOP can’t get anything done


WASHINGTON President Donald Trump defended his new dalliance with congressio­nal Democrats on Friday, criticizin­g the Republican-run Congress for failing to act on a repeal of President Barack Obama’s health care plan — among other items.

“Republican­s, sorry, but I’ve been hearing about Repeal & Replace for 7 years, didn’t happen!” the president said during a morning tweetstorm. Trump also complained about the Senate filibuster rule, which essentiall­y allows minority Democrats to block legislatio­n unless the Republican majority can muster 60 votes. The GOP currently has only 52 senators.

In a series of tweets, Trump said the filibuster rule will “never allow the Republican­s to pass even great legislatio­n. 8 Dems control - will rarely get 60 (vs. 51) votes.”

He called it a “death wish” for Republican­s.

The tweets came two days after Trump stunned Washington — and particular­ly Republican­s — by agreeing to a Democratic plan for a three-month extension of the debt ceiling and current spending plan, combined with an aid bill for the victims of Hurricane Harvey.

In siding with Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and House counterpar­t Nancy Pelosi — whom he referred to as “Chuck and Nancy” — Trump signaled he is willing to work with Democrats on other issues, such as tax reform, health care and immigratio­n.

The president further pressured his party on taxes during his tweetstorm, saying in another post that “Republican­s must start the Tax Reform/Tax Cut legislatio­n ASAP. Don’t wait until the end of September. Needed now more than ever. Hurry!”

The president and aides said he agreed to the Democrats’ deal on hurricane aid and a threemonth extension of the debt ceiling and spending plan in order to clear the decks for a tax plan.

Trump signed on to a Democratic plan during a bipartisan congressio­nal meeting Wednesday at the Oval Office, siding with “Chuck and Nancy” as Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan looked on.

McConnell, Ryan and other Republican­s, including members of Trump’s staff, had pushed for a longer-term spending plan and debt ceiling increase, getting them beyond next year’s congressio­nal elections.

The Republican congressio­nal leaders did not criticize Trump’s deal publicly, but other GOP lawmakers did. They said Trump gave the Democrats massive leverage when the debt ceiling and spending plan extensions come up for renewal in mid-December, right before the holidays.

Sen. Ben Sasse, RNeb., said that Schumer “just made himself the most powerful man in America for the month of December.”

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the conservati­ve group known as the House Freedom Caucus, told Fox Business Network that “we want to see a longerterm debt ceiling bill that has real conservati­ve structural reforms, and obviously we didn’t see that (Wednesday).”

Schumer and Pelosi, meanwhile, welcomed the president’s overtures and said he is acting in a bipartisan fashion.

Both said they want to work with Trump on legislatio­n to address the status of children brought to the United States illegally, less than a week after the president rescinded Obama’s order shielding these “DREAMers” from deportatio­n.

Responding to a Trump tweet from Thursday, Pelosi said: “Thank you for this commitment, Mr. President. Real protection­s will only come from your signing the DREAM Act ASAP.”

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