Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Embrace concept of mulligan on friend’s email outburst

- CAROLYN HAX Email Carolyn at tellme@washpost .com. Washington Post Writers Group

Adapted from a recent online discussion:

Carolyn: “Alex” is married to one of my closest friends, “Lana,” and Alex and I work at the same company. Recently my husband “Ben” also joined the same place. Lana has tried to get a job at our company several times, but for one reason or another has been unsuccessf­ul. Still, she has a great job at another company that anyone would kill to have.

A few months ago I sent an email to Lana, Alex and Ben — probably some silly story from the internet — as I have often done in the past. There was some banter between Alex and Ben and they mentioned meeting for lunch. At this, Lana sent a petulant reply asking us to take her off the email CC list because it “sucked being reminded that” she “was the only one not in the promised land.” It effectivel­y shut down the friendly conversati­on.

I feel that Lana acted childishly, and I hoped she would acknowledg­e her immature behavior after having time to think about it, but that hasn’t happened.

Now I am hesitant to send any common emails because I don’t want her to lash out at us again. As a result, we don’t really communicat­e much anymore and I feel like that’s affecting our friendship. Any thoughts on how to tackle the situation? — Unsure Friend

Unsure Friend: Yes. Chill! Embrace the concept of the mulligan.

OK, Lana was petulant. But I read the question twice, and she apparently had a single outburst. And in response to that one outburst, you’re calling Lana immature, you’re holding a grudge against her for not apologizin­g, you’ve stopped the email chatter and you’re essentiall­y freezing her out as a friend.

Do those consequenc­es sound proportion­ate to you? Have you ever lost your composure? Maybe this all makes more sense in the broader context of Lana that we can’t capture in a short Q and A, and if so, then so be it — but if that’s the case, then the issue is that Lana is a pain and not that Lana lost her composure in a friendly email exchange.

Short of that, as I said: mulligan. A free do-over for a poorly played shot. It’s a beautiful concept among friends, and a necessary one given the human propensity to go batbleep nuts occasional­ly over something minor that leaves everyone saying, huh?

Try it. “Huh?” Or even better — “Sorry, didn’t mean to shove lunch in your face,” or just asking if she needs a sympatheti­c ear about something — sensitivit­y! empathy! — and move on.

If it’s a larger problem, it will reveal itself — that is, if you don’t prevent it from becoming one by just giving Lana a break.

Carolyn: How do I respond to family and friends who feel my husband and I married too fast? I couldn’t care less what they think, and I am not trying to convince anyone. But what is the forcefully polite way to respond to their “concerns”? — Too Fast?

Too Fast: “I don’t recall asking your opinion.”

Or a cheerful, “Thanks! I guess we’ll find out!”

Congrats to you both.

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