Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On this date


In 1846, Boston dentist William Morton used ether as an anesthetic for the first time as he extracted an ulcerated tooth from merchant Eben Frost.

In 1927, Babe Ruth of the Yankees hit his 60th homer of the season to break his own major-league record during a 4-2 victory over the Washington Senators.

In 1938, after co-signing the Munich Agreement allowing Nazi annexation of Czechoslov­akia’s Sudetenlan­d, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlai­n said, “I believe it is peace for our time.”

In 1952, the motion picture “This Is Cinerama,” which introduced the triple-camera, triple-projector Cinerama widescreen process, premiered at the Broadway Theatre in New York.

In 1962, James Meredith, a black student, was escorted by federal marshals to the campus of the University of Mississipp­i, where he enrolled for classes the next day; Meredith’s presence sparked rioting that claimed two lives.

In 1972, Roberto Clemente hit a double against Jon Matlack of the New York Mets during Pittsburgh’s 5-0 victory at Three Rivers Stadium; the hit was the 3,000th and last for the Pirates star.

In 1982, the situation comedy “Cheers” premiered on NBC-TV. Ten years ago: Taliban militants in southern Afghanista­n hanged a teenager found to have U.S. money in his pocket as a warning to others not to use dollars. Five years ago: Mike Trout of the Los Angeles Angels became the first rookie in Major League history to hit 30 home runs and steal 40 bases in a season as the Angels defeated the Texas Rangers, 5-4. One year ago: Alabama’s Court of the Judiciary permanentl­y suspended state Chief Justice Roy Moore for defying federal court rulings on gay marriage, saying he had violated judicial ethics.

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