Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Learn to accept daughter’s weight

- IN MY OPINION CAROLYN HAX Email Carolyn at Washington Post Writers Group

Carolyn: Ever since my daughter was a toddler, she has been a little chubby. I routinely found hidden food wrappers under her bed, under the couch cushions and shoved in her closet. Yes, at 3 she had the wherewitha­l to find food and hide her eating.

I read about appropriat­e food control and thought the most useful suggestion was to provide a ready plate of fresh fruit. It would be completely gone before her brother even knew it was available. It didn’t seem to matter what she was eating as long as she was eating.

As she got older I showed her how to read nutrition labels and find portion sizes. I showed her to measure food with a measuring cup. I even bought premeasure­d snack bags for her school lunch. Her weight continues to increase. She is 12 and 165 pounds.

Her doctor takes little notice and even chastised me for asking about it in front of my daughter. She will not discuss my concerns, falling back on a speech about children needing healthy nutrients and as long as she is growing height-wise then she is not concerned about her weight.

My daughter gets high marks and succeeds tremendous­ly at her musical instrument. But now in middle school she is withdrawin­g socially. She says all she is interested in is her schoolwork but I wonder if it isn’t also that kids are more interested in sports, school dances and appearance. She has become frustrated when she points out a store where a friend shops only to realize they don’t carry her size.

I am so sad and worried for her. She gets out of breath quicker than she should, carries her weight bulkily, hates going shopping and hides further and further in her schoolwork. What can I do for her? What can she do for herself? I am worried her mental health will suffer as much as her physical health. Do I have to watch idly as she self-destructs?

— Sad and Worried Sad and Worried: It appears to me there’s one thing you haven’t yet tried: accepting her weight.

As a crucial element of accepting her.

As a crucial element of her accepting herself.

As a crucial element of not layering an emotional struggle on top of physical and societal ones.

In your careful and well-intentione­d way, you have drawn thinness as the only path to a good life.

So what is your daughter to think when her body won’t take her there? Her life is bad?

Let’s take a moment to parse the idea of where her body “won’t” take her, too. There’s always someone ready to argue that any fat person can be a thin one through some set of choices or another. OK. Sure.

But bodies differ in the way they burn (or store) fuel. One person can drop weight doing X, but another has to do X, Y and Z to drop the same weight.

So stop fixing and start supporting. Find a prettyclot­hes source and keep them coming. Internet = no excuses. (Curvy bloggers: Teach your son about nutrition labels, too, and let your daughter see you do it.

Find a physical activity you can enjoy together; yoga via YouTube is free, private and as good for heads as for hearts. Enjoy your daughter’s company. Work harder to meet her where she is.

Talk privately with her doctor about your girl’s comprehens­ive health. Feelings, friends, food choices, activity levels. Doc was right to call you out: What “chubby” American needs another shaming message? From Mom?

And read Lindy West – copiously. Get thoroughly entertaine­d as you rethink what you think you know about weight.

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