Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

State case on redistrict­ing may change the rules for election maps

Supreme Court to hear arguments on Tuesday about gerrymande­ring


MADISON - Wisconsin’s redistrict­ing case isn’t just about Wisconsin.

If the group of Democrats suing the Badger State is successful before the U.S. Supreme Court, all states will have to follow new rules on gerrymande­ring when they draw congressio­nal and legislativ­e maps after the 2020 census.

And in the short term, several states could face lawsuits over the election maps they have been using since 2011.

The nation’s high court will hear arguments in the case Tuesday and decide it by summer. A panel of federal judges last year ruled 2-1 that the maps were drawn so favorably for Republican­s that they violated the constituti­onal rights of Democratic voters.

The two sides disagree about how much new litigation would ensue if the Wisconsin Democrats win before the Supreme Court.

“The number of plans that plaintiffs’ test would threaten is staggering,” Wisconsin Solicitor General Misha Tseytlin wrote in a recent brief.

In the past 45 years, a third of all maps nationally failed a key aspect of the test the plaintiffs want courts to use to measure when maps are too partisan, Tseytlin wrote. The test is unreliable and favors Democrats, he contended.

But attorneys for the Wisconsin Democrats said just 10% to 20% of past maps could have faced challenges under their test — and a majority of those questionab­le maps helped Democrats.

“It would be a select group of plans” that could be challenged, said attorney Annabelle Harless.

The Wisconsin Democrats are represente­d by the Campaign Legal Center, a Washington, D.C.-based group that wants to curb partisan gerrymande­ring by both sides. It was founded by Trevor Potter, a Republican and former Federal Election Commission chairman who drew national attention as the lawyer for comedian Stephen Colbert’s super PAC.

The test “plays no favorites,” Paul Smith, the center’s vice president of litigation, wrote in a recent brief. “It neither threatens nor shields one party’s plans more than the other’s.”

After the census every 10 years, states must draw new election maps to account for shifts in population. Republican­s controlled all of Wisconsin’s government after the last census and used their majorities to craft maps that greatly favored them. Republican­s in other states were able to do the same thing because their party swept the 2010 elections.

A group of Wisconsin Democrats sued in 2015, arguing its voting rights had been violated and the panel of judges sided with the group last year. (Redistrict­ing cases are unusual because they are first heard by a threejudge panel and go directly to the Supreme Court on appeal, rather than starting with a single judge and then going to a federal Court of Appeals.)

The Supreme Court has found maps can be so heavily skewed to favor one party as to violate the U.S. Constituti­on. But the justices have never struck down a map on those grounds and have disagreed on whether courts can measure when that happens. Both sides see Justice Anthony Kennedy as the key vote in the Wisconsin case.

Maps can be lopsided

Lawmakers from one party can draw maps to favor themselves by packing their opponents’ supporters into as few districts as possible. That way, their opponents win a small number of seats with huge margins but come up short of a majority of votes in most districts.

The Wisconsin Democrats proposed a new test to determine whether maps were unfairly one-sided. Their test counts “wasted votes” — that is, any votes beyond those needed to elect a candidate — to determine the “efficiency gap” of a map.

Maps have large efficiency gaps when they spread one party’s voters into districts in a way that creates a significan­t number of wasted votes for them.

The three-judge panel cited the efficiency gap test as evidence that Wisconsin’s maps were unconstitu­tional, but did not entirely rely on the test for its decision.

Attorneys for Wisconsin have told the Supreme Court the test is biased against Republican­s because Democrats tend to cluster in cities such as Madison and Milwaukee.

“Republican­s’ plans will score as nefariousl­y increasing natural asymmetrie­s, whereas Democrats’ plans will score as benignly canceling them out,” wrote Tseytlin, the state solicitor general.

Robert Popper, an attorney for the conservati­ve group Judicial Watch, said a victory by the Wisconsin Democrats would lead to a flood of litigation.

“You’re going to have challenges over every map,” he said.

And that litigation will be messy, with dueling social scientists arguing over the best ways to measure the partisan benefit of election maps, he said. Popper filed a friend-of-the-court brief siding with Republican­s and arguing the efficiency gap test is arbitrary and indetermin­ate.

But Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles who specialize­s in redistrict­ing, said a win by the Wisconsin Democrats would have a limited effect in the short run. That’s because there are just two rounds of elections — in 2018 and 2020 — to be held under the maps that states drew after the 2010 census.

“In any of the states, the clock is running and the clock is running against litigants,” he said.

The Supreme Court’s ruling could affect ongoing litigation in North Carolina, Pennsylvan­ia, Maryland and Texas, he said. And it could spark new litigation in states such as Michigan, said Levitt, who filed a friend-of-the-court brief agreeing with the Wisconsin Democrats.

He downplayed the claim that Wisconsin’s case would result in new waves of litigation. He has cataloged 235 lawsuits around the country over redistrict­ing since 2011 on his All About Redistrict­ing website.

“We’re already there,” he said of rampant redistrict­ing litigation. “That horse left the barn long ago.”

But a victory by the Wisconsin Democrats would force partisans around the country to change how they draw maps after the 2020 census — or risk litigation for violating voters’ rights, he said.

Even if the Wisconsin Democrats win, states will still be able to draw maps that help one party over the other, just not by such large margins, Levitt said.

“It will tend to cut off the extremes,” he said. “It’s going to stop the worst of the worst.”

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