Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump: Puerto Rico put budget ‘out of whack’

President makes quips, praises team’s responses to Hurricane Maria


WASHINGTON - While President Donald Trump toured Puerto Rico on Tuesday to praise his team’s response to Hurricane Maria, some of his critics heard other things — including a joke about the expense of the effort and praise for the fact that only 16 people have died since the deadly storm two weeks ago.

“Sixteen people certified — 16 people versus in the thousands,” Trump said during a briefing with Puerto Rican officials; he added that while “every death is a horror,” the devastatio­n has not been “a real catastroph­e” on the same scale of Hurricane Katrina, which killed 1,800 people in New Orleans in 2005.

Citing the logistical and financial challenges of the federal disaster response on the island, Trump quipped: “Now I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you’ve thrown our budget a little out of whack, but you’re throwing our budget a little out of whack because we’ve spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico. And that’s fine; we saved a lot of lives.”

Trump’s comments did not go over well with some U.S. lawmakers.

Senate Minority Lead- er Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., hit Trump for having “the gall to complain about Puerto Rico,” while he has proposed “tax cuts for billionair­es.” He also noted that Trump didn’t tell jokes about Texas and Florida after their hurricanes.

Trump also got a somewhat frosty reception from some Puerto Rico residents, after more than a week of back-and-forth between the president and local critics of the U.S. relief effort.

In addition to the briefing, Trump toured a neighborho­od where residents are rebuilding damaged homes. “We’re going to help you out,” he told members of one family.

At a church converted into a relief center, Trump handed out bags of rice. He “shot” rolls of paper towels into the crowd like basketball­s.

He picked up items from a supply table and handed them to people with outstretch­ed hands.

“There’s a lot of love in this room,” Trump said.

Trump also confronted one of his critics on the island, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, who has clashed with Trump over the pace of relief efforts.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? President Donald Trump helps distribute food and supplies Tuesday in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.
MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES President Donald Trump helps distribute food and supplies Tuesday in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.

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