Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

We need to teach men not to rape

- EMILY MILLS Emily Mills is a freelance writer who lives in Madison.

When I was younger, I asked my parents if I could take up martial arts. Instead, I was offered ballet, even though I had no particular interest in it (and hated the outfits). I regret that I was steered away from the thing I really wanted to do, especially since it was because fighting sports were not considered “appropriat­e” for little girls.

I’ve spoken with male friends who showed early interest in things like ballet and were forcibly discourage­d. The reasons were similar: Dance was “too girly.”

These are just two small anecdotes that reflect a much larger, far more systemic problem. You’ve likely heard or read the terms “patriarchy” or “toxic masculinit­y” before. Perhaps you’ve dismissed them as meaningles­s buzzwords used by us social justice warriors to cause division.

The opposite is true. When we call out the problems of a patriarcha­l culture, of the harm done by toxic masculinit­y, we are not condemning men as a whole. Patriarchy hurts everyone. Even men.

My fellow columnist Christian Schneider recently wrote a piece talking about his young daughter’s request to learn to box and how he enthusiast­ically supports her. He’s right to do so: Boxing teaches body confidence and the ability to stand up for yourself and others when presented with a threat.

I’m all for it. Anyone who wants to practice a sport or physical art should be encouraged.

But here’s where Schneider goes astray: He thinks there’s a “certain brand of feminism that believes asking a woman to take steps to protect herself is somehow ‘blaming the victim.’”

He’s missing a larger point and trying to tilt at a windmill that doesn’t even exist.

Genuine feminism supports anyone’s right to choose to learn self-defense techniques. There’s nothing wrong with individual­s taking steps they think will keep them safer in certain situations. I’ve never read a serious argument otherwise.

What’s at issue is the overwhelmi­ng emphasis our society places on telling women how to prevent rape and other assaults, while doing relatively little to teach people not to rape or commit assault. Our priorities are so out of whack that I can’t blame a traumatize­d population for pushing back when they see so many think-pieces trumpeting the newest invention aimed at capitalizi­ng on women’s insecurity.

In the end, getting indignant, as Schneider does, over an imagined disagreeme­nt about what we should be encouragin­g girls to do is missing the larger issue: We live in a culture that reinforces toxic and harmful ideas about what it means to “be a man,” leading to generation­s of boys growing up emotionall­y stunted and believing they’re owed sexual gratificat­ion whenever they want it and from whomever they want it.

We live in a culture in which some men think they can act without consequenc­e and without regard for the wishes or wellbeing of anyone but themselves. A world in which they aren’t allowed to have feelings or find emotional support in close friendship­s with other men and women, leaving them to think that the only way to find it is through a romantic relationsh­ip with a woman.

We persist in shoving people into ill-fitting boxes, forcing women, LGBTQ people and people of color to waste emotional energy planning for the whims and rages of men. That’s why some of us get so angry when more weight is added to an already heavy load.

Instead of arguing with us, Schneider would do well to understand that some cultural systems need to be dismantled.

So yes, let boys do ballet and let girls box. Even those small choices can make a difference.

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