Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Fundamenta­l questions


Another tragedy of gun violence has transpired, this time at a country music concert in Las Vegas.

The casualties, more than 500 people with nearly 60 dead, will be sure to spur emotional debate regarding guns and gun violence.

But until we have a real conversati­on about the issue, nothing will change. The Pulse nightclub shooting (49 dead) didn’t change anything. The Sandy Hook massacre involving teachers and students (26 dead) didn’t change anything. Will anything change this pattern of violence?

Liberals must understand that guns are not going away. They are an integral part of American culture, and many people want to protect that heritage and are concerned about any efforts to infringe on their rights.

Conservati­ves must understand that the government is not coming for your shotgun, handgun or deer rifle.

What everyone needs to understand is that police department­s across the country support restrictio­ns on the possession of highpowere­d automatic weapons. Police and military personnel say that the type of weapon used in Las Vegas have one purpose and one purpose only — to kill.

We all give up certain “rights” to be part of our society. That is why you can’t drive 60 miles per hour in a school zone or yell “fire” in a crowded theater. The greater good of everybody should be considered when deciding what can or can’t be tolerated by a reasonable society.

Do automatic weapons serve the greater good of anybody?

Craig Barbian Sussex

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