Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Desecratin­g the flag


I am saddened by what I saw done to the American flag at the Nov. 6 Green Bay Packer game.

At most games I attend the Packers or their representa­tives hand out a souvenir to each game attendee. Nov. 11 is Veterans Day, so on the evening Nov. 6, the handout at the game was an American flag.

I stayed until the end of the game. Perhaps 80% of the people had left the stands before I did. As I was packing up my blanket and seat cushion, I noticed that there were a half dozen American flags on the ground behind me. It saddened me that people at the game would do that to our flag.

I picked up the flags and found they were soaked with beer and had foot prints on them. I then looked down my empty aisle and saw many flags in the same condition.

I’m not an over-the-top American patriot, but it sickened me to see so many flags on the ground. I found it interestin­g that so many people would throw away their American flag, especially after all the news reports about National Football League players kneeling during the national anthem and season ticket holders giving up their tickets because of that. What kind of news reports would we see if one of the terrorist groups did this to hundreds if not thousands of American flags?

I ask the Green Bay Packers to never hand out American flags at a future Lambeau Stadium game. It is just too heartbreak­ing to be a United States citizen and see other U.S. citizens thoughtles­sly desecratin­g our flag.

Phil Olson Wauwatosa

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