Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On this date


In 1915,

a new version of the Ku Klux Klan, targeting blacks, Jews, Catholics and immigrants, was founded by William Joseph Simmons.

In 1920,

radio station WTAW of College Station, Texas, broadcast the first play-by-play descriptio­n of a football game, between Texas University and the Agricultur­al and Mechanical College of Texas. (Texas won, 7-3.)

In 1947,

movie studio executives meeting in New York agreed to blacklist the “Hollywood Ten” who had been cited for contempt of Congress the day before.

In 1957,

President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a slight stroke.

In 1963,

the body of President John F. Kennedy was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery; his widow, Jacqueline, lighted an “eternal flame” at the gravesite.

In 1999,

Elian Gonzalez, a 5-year-old Cuban boy, was rescued by a pair of sport fishermen off the coast of Florida, setting off an internatio­nal custody battle.

In 2002,

President George W. Bush signed legislatio­n creating the Department of Homeland Security, and appointed Tom Ridge to be its head.

Ten years ago:

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif returned from exile to an ecstatic welcome from thousands of supporters and stepped up the pressure on U.S.-backed military ruler Pervez Musharraf to end emergency rule.

Five years ago:

YouTube announced that “Gangnam Style” by South Korean rapper PSY had become the site’s most viewed video to that time, with more than 805 million viewings.

One year ago:

Fidel Castro, who led his rebels to victorious revolution in 1959, embraced Soviet-style communism and defied the power of 10 U.S. presidents during his half-century of rule in Cuba, died at age 90.

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