Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Kremlin: Trump invites Putin to White House

Other sites also on table; many details to be ironed out before potential meet


WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has invited Vladimir Putin to the White House, but much planning remains amid renewed strains in the U.S.Russian relationsh­ip, the Kremlin said Monday.

While “Trump proposed holding a meeting at the White House in Washington,” Putin foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov told reporters in Moscow that some issues need to be resolved.

Trump signed off on a U.S. plan to expel 60 Russian diplomats and intelligen­ce operatives and to close a Russian consulate in Seattle in retaliatio­n for a poison attack on an ex-Russian spy and his daughter in England.

“Against the backdrop of these events, it’s difficult to discuss the possibilit­y of holding a summit,” Ushakov said, though he added he hopes that “one day, at one time or another, we can arrive at the start of a serious and constructi­ve dialogue.”

The White House said Trump and Putin discussed a meeting during a recent phone call, with the White House being one of several options for a site.

“As the President himself confirmed on March 20, hours after his last call with President Putin, the two had discussed a bilateral meeting in the ‘nottoofutu­re’ at a number of potential venues, including the White House,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. “We have nothing further to add at this time.”

The United States and its allies have formally condemned Russia over the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter; Russia has denied the allegation­s and is planning to kick U.S. officials out of its country.

There’s also an ongoing special counsel investigat­ion in the United States into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election, and into any links with Trump’s campaign.

Trump has said in recent weeks he wants to meet with Putin to discuss pressing issues, including the campaign to pressure North Korea into giving up its nuclear weapons programs.

During their March 20 phone conversati­on, Trump, over the objections of aides, congratula­ted Putin on his reelection, despite claims of rigged balloting.

Trump and Putin also spoke last year on the sidelines of internatio­nal summits in Germany and Vietnam.

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