Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

America’s contentiou­s history in Iran leads to mix of anger, wonderment and weariness

- Kim Hjelmgaard

TEHRAN, Iran – For almost 40 years, a two-story brick building in the middle of Tehran has been the symbol of Iran’s revulsion toward the United States, an enemy it holds responsibl­e for engineerin­g a coup, throwing its military might behind its regional foes and limiting its prized oil industry.

The former U.S. Embassy, where 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days beginning in 1979 amid the birth of the Islamic Republic, is now a museum to American treachery the Iranian authoritie­s refer to as the “U.S. Den of Espionage.” Murals depicting the Statue of Liberty as Death and the U.S. flag in the form of a handgun line its exterior walls and interior hallways.

“This represents Iran’s side of the story,” a guide to the former embassy told USA TODAY as he showed off typewriter­s, secret meeting rooms, incriminat­ing documents and embassy stationery collecting dust in the compound.

Foreigners are rarely allowed to roam the historic building, a stark physical reminder for Iran that the United States is its worst enemy and doesn’t take enough responsibi­lity for meddling in Iran’s domestic affairs. “America doesn’t do that,” the guide said.

In early August, when President Donald Trump reimposed sanctions on Iran after withdrawin­g from the 2015 nuclear deal negotiated over several years with world powers, another tense chapter was added to the story of two countries whose strained relationsh­ip is steeped in decades of mistrust and hostility.

His moves risk further inflaming an already volatile Middle East and alien-

ating American allies, and they run counter to majority opinion at home and abroad. They mean certain economic hardship for millions of Iranians.

But Trump has stood firm, saying the “horrible, one-sided” Iran nuclear deal “failed to achieve the fundamenta­l objective of blocking all paths to an Iranian nuclear bomb, and it threw a lifeline of cash to a murderous dictatorsh­ip that has continued to spread bloodshed, violence and chaos.”

“To this day, Iran threatens the United States and our allies, undermines the internatio­nal financial system and supports terrorism and militant proxies around the world,” he said recently in announcing the latest sanctions.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, responding in a speech on national television, said Trump was playing politics at the expense of the Iranian people.

“The U.S. reimposes sanctions on Iran and pulls out of the nuclear deal and then wants to hold talks with us,” he said. “Trump’s call for direct talks is only for domestic consumptio­n in America ahead of elections … and to create chaos in Iran.”

The latest sanctions will keep Tehran from acquiring U.S. dollars, restrict its ability to trade in gold and other precious metals, prohibit the foreign purchase of Iranian sovereign debt and punish the car industry with high tariffs. The United States is banning imports of Iran’s iconic Persian rugs. The biggest blow will come in early November, when sanctions on Iran’s lucrative oil industry swing back into full gear.

For Washington, it’s a geopolitic­al gamble that swims against the tide of world opinion and much of the United States’ own foreign policy establishm­ent.

“If the Trump administra­tion carries through with its threats to completely prevent Iran from exporting its oil by, for example, deploying the U.S. Navy in the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf to block Iran’s oil ships, then this moves beyond a conflict of words and posturing to a war situation. We’ll be at war. A real war,” said Nader Entessar, an Iranian-born political scientist at the University of South Alabama.

‘It will only get worse’ for Iran

“We waited for so long for good news between our two nations. A lot of people in Iran are not satisfied with their lives. What do we hope for now?” A woman, 37, in a coffee shop to USA TODAY as she despaired over the renewed sanctions and fresh breakdown in relations

Inside Iran, there is a mixture of anger and weariness at Trump’s decision to reimpose sanctions. Though Washington says the sanctions are not aimed at Iran’s civilians, only its government and nuclear program, Iranians find that line of reasoning hard to accept; even though the sanctions don’t target them directly, restrictio­ns on Iran’s use of the global financial system have led to severe shortages of cancer drugs, certain food supplies and key consumer goods. They also have led to an economic crisis that has severely affected salaries, prices and jobs.

“Please tell Mr. Trump that it will only get worse for ordinary Iranian workers and their families,” said Fereshteh Dastpak, head of Iran’s National Carpet Center. Dastpak lamented the likely effect of the sanctions on the 1.5 million people who earn their living in Iran’s rug industry. Nearly $100 million worth of Persian carpets were exported to the USA last year amid the lifting of sanctions tied to the nuclear accord negotiated during President Barack Obama’s tenure. The year before the deal? There were no carpets imported. “Trump needs to reconsider,” Dastpak said.

Several Iranians, including Ali, 26, from the city of Isfahan, told USA TODAY they would leave if they could. “There is no future for me here,” he said. Because Ali was highly critical of Iran’s government, his last name has been withheld.

Gholam Hossein Shafei, president of Iran’s chamber of commerce, said in an interview that “America is pulling out of an official and valid agreement negotiated by internatio­nal institutio­ns.”

Shafei said foreign investment, economic growth and tourism in Iran would suffer before they even had the chance to get off the ground. “There needs to be an answer to this,” he said.

So far, there hasn’t been one.

Nuclear deal as a pivot point

Trump is dropping out of the accord over the objections of other signatorie­s to the deal, including China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union. All have publicly expressed their disapprova­l and pledged to work with Iran but have failed to come up with specific proposals that would allow them to circumvent so-called secondary sanctions: those imposed on any countries or companies who do business with Iran.

The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency said Iran was complying with the accord. Polls show a majority of Americans want the United States to stay in the deal.

Trump long has objected to an agreement hailed as the most significan­t foreign policy accomplish­ment of Obama’s administra­tion. He says the accord does not go far enough in addressing Iran’s long-term nuclear ambitions, its convention­al missile program and its financing of proxies in regional hot spots such as Syria and Yemen.

“I know (Iran is) having a lot of problems and their economy is collapsing,” Trump has said. “But I will tell you this: At a certain point, they’re going to call me, and they’re going to say, ‘Let’s make a deal,’ and we’ll make a deal. They’re feeling a lot of pain right now.”

Iran has dismissed those words – including Trump’s tweets to reopen negotiatio­ns and threats against those who do business with Iran – as ill-thoughtout propaganda.

“Today, the biggest threat to the U.S. is its own president,” said Hesamodin Ashna, a senior adviser to Iran’s president. “Someone who sells lies and intimidati­on for a living is not only a danger to the American people but a danger to the internatio­nal community.”

Experts in internatio­nal relations are skeptical of Trump’s strategy.

“Iran is an issue that has unified Congress, and to a certain extent the American public, in terms of being hard-line on it. But being anti-Iran is an easy position to take,” said Dina Esfandiary, an Iranian national and policy expert at King’s College London. “Trump’s policies, or lack of policies on Iran, rather, stem from ‘anything that Obama did needs to be undone.’ That’s definitely a driving principle for Trump here.”

Ali Ansari, founding director of the Institute for Iranian Studies at St. Andrews University in Scotland and a relative of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, a dictator the CIA installed as Iran’s leader in 1953 before his ouster in 1979, said, “By pulling out of the deal, Trump has given the Iranian authoritie­s an excuse and allowed them to claim all of its problems can be sourced to America.”

Anti-American animosity visible in prayers, politics

Pahlavi was ushered into power after Mohammad Mosaddegh, Iran’s democratic­ally elected prime minister, nationaliz­ed Iran’s oil industry and showed little interest in dealing with the West. Paylavi maintained a pro-West foreign policy and fostered modern economic developmen­t, and his government officials boasted that he had turned Iran into a place where women were wearing miniskirts shorter than in Paris.

That came at the price of autocratic rule and corruption. Pahlavi employed secret police to torture and execute people and stifle dissent.

When anti-American cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini rose to become Iran’s supreme leader in 1979 and unleashed the hostage crisis at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, the country was determined to break with American interferen­ce in its affairs.

Ansari, the policy expert at King’s College London, said Iran’s government has done little in the intervenin­g years to help itself.

“After the nuclear deal, it signed a lot of MoUs (memoranda of understand­ing, an intent to do business), but nothing really materializ­ed as different factions of the government argued about what they should give away and what they shouldn’t,” Ansari said. “If the Trump administra­tion had stuck with this deal, it probably wouldn’t have been deliverabl­e, but Iran’s hard-liners wouldn’t now have any cover. Trump has made it easier for them.”

In December, there were weeks of demonstrat­ions in more than 80 cities across Iran. The protests followed a leaked government budget report that revealed Iran funneled billions of dollars to religious institutio­ns, to the elite Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps paramilita­ry unit and for military interventi­ons extending from Lebanon to Saudi Arabia. The protests came during a time of spiraling costs for goods at home and severe water shortages.

Trump’s decision to exit the nuclear deal risks reinvigora­ting the “Great Satan” epithet, a slogan that has come to define Iranian-U.S. relations over the past several decades. The phrase, along with the “Death to America” chants that came to prominence under Khomeini, remain a staple at Friday prayers and political rallies under Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

This animosity is visible in the statespons­ored anti-American signs and graffiti that dot Iran’s smog-filled capital, with its clogged roads, bustling marketplac­es, bridges, tunnels, towers and largely concrete skyline set against the backdrop of the Alborz mountain range.

“You can’t trust the United States – never,” said an official with Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, who did not want to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media. “Whenever the United States makes promises, it eventually abandons them.”

At the “U.S. Den of Espionage,” the former American Embassy, the guide ended the tour by screening a brief video that purported to show myriad perceived American crimes against Iran, from invading its immediate neighbors and building military bases there to shooting down a civilian passenger plane traveling from Tehran to Dubai in 1988, killing all 290 people on board. (The U.S. Navy said it mistook the plane for a fighter jet. Iran rejects that explanatio­n.)

Despite rhetoric from the Trump administra­tion and some exiled Iranians – as well as praise for Washington’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – the overwhelmi­ng sentiment on Iran’s streets is not revolution­ary fervor but fatigue over decades of failed IranianU.S. diplomacy and the resulting economic struggles of ordinary Iranians.

“We waited for so long for good news between our two nations,” a woman, 37, in a coffee shop told USA TODAY as she despaired over the renewed sanctions and fresh breakdown in relations.

Fearing for her safety, the woman did not want her name associated with a political statement in a foreign newspaper. “A lot of people in Iran are not satisfied with their lives,” she said. “What do we hope for now?”

Years of internatio­nal sanctions have taken a toll on Iran. About one-third of Iranian young people (ages 15 to 29) are unemployed, according to the Internatio­nal Iranian Economic Associatio­n.

More broadly, the jobless rate is more than 13 percent, hyperinfla­tion has evaporated the purchasing power of salaries, and Iran’s rial currency has lost half of its value against the U.S. dollar over the past four months. After the nuclear deal, Iran was able to restore oil production and exports, but it did so during a time of record-low oil prices. In November, Iran will have to weather large cuts to its oil exports once again.

Still, USA TODAY encountere­d many Iranians who expressed disapprova­l of what they viewed as Trump’s brash leadership style and aggressive policies toward Iran but admired what they said the president was achieving for his own country.

One was Hossein, 57, an English professor who, like Mohammad, the merchant, did not want his family name published. He is trying to leave Iran for a job in Europe, and he worries that his views could affect his applicatio­n.

“Whatever promises Trump gives his people, he fulfills,” he said, mentioning actions Trump has taken since entering office such as moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.

“...He’s started messing with Iran. He will succeed.”

 ?? FARHAD BABAEI / FOR USA TODAY ?? Gholam Hossein Shafei, president of Iran’s chamber of commerce, says he expects that foreign investment, economic growth and tourism will suffer because of renewed U.S. sanctions.
FARHAD BABAEI / FOR USA TODAY Gholam Hossein Shafei, president of Iran’s chamber of commerce, says he expects that foreign investment, economic growth and tourism will suffer because of renewed U.S. sanctions.
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