Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On this date


In 1917, the American Expedition­ary Forces in France suffered their first fatalities during World War I when a German plane attacked a British-run base hospital.

In 1957, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus used Arkansas National Guardsmen to prevent nine black students from entering all-white Central High School in Little Rock.

In 1962, The Beatles, with their new drummer, Ringo Starr, recorded “Love Me Do” at EMI Studios in London. (The more familiar version with substitute drummer Andy White was recorded a week later.)

In 1972, U.S. swimmer Mark Spitz won a seventh gold medal at the Munich Olympics in the 400-meter medley relay.

In 1987, a Soviet court convicted West German pilot Mathias Rust of charges stemming from his daring flight to Moscow’s Red Square and sentenced him to four years in a labor camp. (Rust was released in August 1988.)

In 1998, internet services company Google filed for incorporat­ion in California.

In 2006, “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, 44, died after a stingray’s barb pierced his chest.

In, 2008, The Dow industrial average fell 344.65 points to 11,188.23 on gloomy economic data.

Five years ago: Responding to President Barack Obama’s request, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 10-7 to authorize the “limited and specified use” of U.S. armed forces against Syria.

One year ago: Texas emergency management officials said at least 60 deaths were attributed to Hurricane Harvey.

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