Milwaukee Journal Sentinel



IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: It’s time to bring about the changes you’ve been contemplat­ing the past couple of years. You are heading into a growth period that leads to greater opportunit­ies. How you handle what’s available will make a difference to the outcome. Feeling comfortabl­e in your skin will help build confidence and give you the oomph you need to follow your dreams.

ARIES March 21-April 19

Look past pettiness and you’ll find a way to work alongside others, regardless of your difference­s.

TAURUS April 20-May 20

Show others how serious you are about getting things done. Stop talking and start producing.

GEMINI May 21-June 20

Admitting when you are wrong and turning a negative into a positive will help you gain respect and the confidence of those you love and work alongside.

CANCER June 21-July 22

Be secretive about the personal changes you want to make. Tidy up loose ends and rethink your strategy regarding how best to use your skills in order to get ahead.

LEO July 23-Aug. 22

Focus on your appearance and the domestic environmen­t you live in. You’ll feel better about yourself if you’re organized.

VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Participat­e and you’ll be offered valuable informatio­n that will change your life. Listen and take note of what someone has done.

LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Emotional matters will escalate when dealing with the people you live with or who influence your everyday routine.

SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21

How you earn your living will undergo a shift. Look for any opportunit­y to use your skills in exciting new ways.Embrace change.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Speak up on behalf of yourself as well as others. Your strength and courage will put you in a leadership position.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Speak from the heart regarding your plans with a partner or someone you feel can assist you.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Don’t participat­e in someone else’s shenanigan­s. Know when to say no.

PISCES Feb. 19-March 20

Make changes at home or to your personal finances. Renovation, buying and selling or investing in something you’ve wanted for some time is favored.

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