Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Harmful effects of bullying amplified online

- Philip Chard

Although least prepared for it, younger people are most likely to endure this wounding.

We continue to hear news of tragic suicides among kids, some younger than 10, stemming from bullying and social rejection.

Some of us express disbelief, considerin­g such actions impulsive and drasticall­y out of proportion. However, being thrown into the interperso­nal wilderness by one’s tribe is painful enough for adults with years of life experience. For a young person, it can be devastatin­g.

Research shows that interperso­nal rejection is among the most agonizing psychologi­cal wounds humans endure. In fact, most people experience it not only as an emotion, but also as a physical injury characteri­zed by a deep, visceral pain around one’s heart and guts. Neuroscien­ce finds that areas of the brain responsibl­e for emotional and bodily pain can and do overlap.

We don’t use terms like “broken heart” and “tore my guts out” as colorful metaphors alone. That’s how it can feel. And when you’ve occupied the planet for just a few years, kick it up a notch. If you ever had your heart broken as a teen, you know of what I speak.

Resilience, which is sorely needed in the face of rejection, arises from having suffered adversity and, with guile and good fortune, navigated it successful­ly. It’s tough to possess that capacity as a kid. Just not enough experienti­al mileage.

Although least prepared for it, younger people are most likely to endure this wounding. During these turbulent years of developmen­t, they struggle to sort out who they are and to whom they belong. Perhaps more than at any other time in their lives, they need validation and inclusion.

Youngsters and teens subjected to the kind of harassment and blacklisti­ng that can lead to self-harm are mentally lacerated to the core. Usually, they either turn against themselves, as in selfdestru­ctive behavior or suicide, or they strike out against most or all others in their social environmen­t. Either choice ends poorly.

Ironically, those who respond to ostracism by withdrawin­g and then striking back at others often end up being perpetrato­rs of the same emotional violence they endured in their lives. Through this vicious cycle, social rejection becomes self-replicatin­g.

Today, our online world has taken this form of persecutio­n to an entirely new and highly damaging level.

For example, in grade school, I was harassed by several older boys who had seemingly befriended me only to become bullies without warning. Painful as that was, I was able to escape. Once beyond their physical reach, it was over. In contrast, online harassment can be 24/7, anonymous (I saw my tormentors), and witnessed by a far greater audience.

Ostracizin­g someone who is different or disliked has been an interperso­nal weapon for millennium­s. “Us vs. them” hatred is fueled by underlying fear and emboldened by group think. Psychologi­cal lynch mobs can emerge in families, classrooms, workplaces, political groups, congregati­ons and communitie­s, including online ones.

In their wakes, these haters leave social exiles who, eventually, do violence to themselves or others.

Blood is on their hands.

Philip Chard is a psychother­apist, author and trainer. Email Chard at outofmymin­d@philipchar­ or visit philipchar­

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