Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Protecting Milwaukee’s teens in an STD hot spot

Research shows that the more young people know, the better off they are

- Edgar Mendez

Each time his organizati­on unveils a new billboard promoting condom use, Anthony Harris, coordinato­r of Diverse & Resilient’s 414ALL program, hears from angry parents. ❚ How dare you push my kid to have sex, they tell him. ❚ Harris quickly counters: ❚ “We can’t pretend like our young people are not engaging in sexual activity,” he said. “The best thing we can do is teach them how to protect themselves.” ❚ Harris and his organizati­on are working the front lines of an important battle in Milwaukee: reducing teen pregnancie­s and sexually transmitte­d infections.

One of those efforts has been successful: The birth rate for females aged 15-17 was 18 per 1,000 in 2016, a major change from a decade ago when the city had the second-highest teen birth rate in the nation.

But we’re losing the other battle: The city has the nation’s highest rate for gonorrhea and one of the highest rates for chlamydia and HIV infection for young men of color, the Journal Sentinel reported in March. That month, health officials and city leaders held a news conference announcing the discovery of an HIV and syphilis “cluster” in the city.

That young people in Milwaukee are at a high-risk for contractin­g STIs should be no surprise. Half of all new sexually transmitte­d diseases are acquired by people aged 15-24, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and onefourth of sexually active adolescent females has an STD, according to CDC estimates.

But the research also shows that education has a profound effect on the numbers. The more young people know about sexually transmitte­d diseases — and how to protect themselves — the better.

A meta-analysis of research on this problem co-authored by Dafina Petrova is one of the most recent largescale analyses of STI curricula. Her work looked at nearly 300 evidenceba­sed STI prevention programs in the U.S. and found that an effective STI prevention curriculum can reduce infection rates by 30%, she said. Petrova works in the Andalusian School of Public Health in Granada, Spain, and conducts collaborat­ive research with the Decision Analytics Lab at the University of Oklahoma.

“I think the important message here is not that interventi­ons are effective in general. But that a properly designed interventi­on can be very

Because many parents are reluctant to talk to their kids about sex ... teens rely on word of mouth or what they find online. Another traditiona­l way for youth to learn about sexual health and STI prevention is through their schools, but sex education is limited in Wisconsin.

successful,” Petrova said.

Unfortunat­ely, Milwaukee has a long way to go.

Getting informatio­n to youth

A preliminar­y analysis of an assessment administer­ed by Diverse & Resilient placed the city at the third of nine stages of community readiness. That meant there was a “vague awareness” of the local STI crisis in the city and “limited efforts” to address it. It also means that there was a “limited identifiab­le leadership dealing with the issue and no immediate motivation to do anything,” according to the standard community readiness model created by the Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research at Colorado State University. Diverse & Resilient runs programs for LGBTQ people in Wisconsin, including those on sexual health.

“There aren’t a lot of known leaders talking about this issue. We need more and visible leadership and to continue to reduce the misconcept­ions around condom use and sexual health,” Harris said.

Because many parents are reluctant to talk to their kids about sex, he said, teens rely on word of mouth or what they find online. Another traditiona­l way for youth to learn about sexual health and STI prevention is through their schools, but sex education is limited in Wisconsin.

“Unfortunat­ely in the world we’re living in, there are not a lot of schools that are offering sexual health education,” Harris said.

According to Molly Herrmann, education consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instructio­n, the state receives federal funding from CDC for the administra­tion of statewide surveys, sexual health education and to provide sexual health services that could include free STD or pregnancy tests in schools or through referrals to outside organizati­ons.

But those funds are limited, she said, and the DPI cannot regulate what services a school can offer. For example, schools do not have to provide free testing or condoms nor do they have to educate students about sex and protection, Herrmann said.

According to Harris, MPS is not allowed to purchase condoms, so Diverse & Resilient is the sole supplier, providing condoms to 24 different MPS high schools and a few charter schools. MPS did not respond to an interview request for this story.

But kids still need informatio­n about sexual health. What type of education works best? Several recent studies provide clues.

What the research shows

Petrova, of the Andalusian School, said programs that provide youth with informatio­n about the diseases they are at risk of contractin­g and tips on how to protect themselves, including the use of condoms, are effective.

Programs that feature communicat­ion and negotiatio­n skills also seem to work.

“Young women often report not knowing how to communicat­e with their partner and both males and females often discuss being influenced by the opinion of their peers. Learning how to communicat­e and negotiate either not wanting to have sex or the use of protection like condoms are some very practical skills that can help them avoid becoming infected,” Petrova said.

Another promising interventi­on is being evaluated at the University of Oklahoma; it is a risk-benefit approach using technology, she said.

“It’s a way to help them make informed decisions by presenting them with informatio­n on how they can benefit from using a condom, and doing so perhaps by using visual aids,” Petrova said.

A group of researcher­s from North Carolina and Pennsylvan­ia conducted a meta-analysis of technology-based STI interventi­ons, which was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health in June. The researcher­s synthesize­d 15 years of data on technology-based programs focused on youth and evaluated the effectiven­ess of programmin­g delivered via computer, smartphone, text messaging and other web-based platforms.

Among the benefits: The programs had a broad reach and a low cost. Researcher­s also noted that technology­based programs gave kids a safe and familiar environmen­t to get factual informatio­n about sexual health. They also showed promise in improving condom use, knowledge of sexual health, safer sex attitudes and even abstinence.

Generally, though, abstinence-based programs are not that effective, research has shown.

“Our ability to self-regulate when we are adolescent­s has not properly developed yet,” Petrova said. “It’s biology.”

It is harder to avoid risky behavior altogether, researcher­s argue, which means a more effective strategy will try to minimize the harm of those behaviors, she added.

Harris agrees.

“It’s important to talk about it, but you can’t leave out every other aspect of sexual health,” he said of abstinence education. “As human beings, we all have these urges to reproduce and that includes having sex.”

Another factor to consider: The corrosive impact of drugs and alcohol on judgment.

“It lowers your inhibition­s so maybe then you will do something you’re not ready to do,” Harris said. “The reality is that drugged or inebriated sex is something that happens often with teens.”

Angela D. Bryan, professor of psychology at the University of ColoradoBo­ulder, examined what happens when informatio­n about alcohol and marijuana is included alongside HIV/STI interventi­ons with high-risk youth. That type of approach could be effective in Milwaukee, which has a significan­t population of at-risk youth.

Published in the JAMA Pediatrics journal in April, the researcher­s found that interventi­ons that combine HIV/ STI informatio­n with alcohol and marijuana content and motivation­al enhancemen­t therapy (which helps people change behavior) were successful.

Another key to reducing STI infections: The involvemen­t of an adult in the youth’s home, Harris said. He compared having “the talk” about sex with teaching a kid to drive. When you teach driving, you want students to learn how to stay safe and protect other people, Harris explained.

“With sex, it’s the same thing,” he said.

But if those conversati­ons don’t happen at home or school, then it’s the responsibi­lity of health workers to make sure the message gets delivered.

“We can’t wait for them to come to us because most times they won’t,” Harris said. “We find out where youth and young adults hang out and we connect with them there. It’s a difficult but necessary process that has to occur if we’re going to protect our young people.”

How I reported the story


Effect of Including Alcohol and Cannabis Content in a Sexual Risk-Reduction Interventi­on on the Incidence of Sexually Transmitte­d Infections in Adolescent­s A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

Technology-Based Interventi­ons to Reduce Sexually Transmitte­d Infections and Unintended Pregnancy Among Youth

Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage: An Updated Review of U.S. Policies and Programs and Their Impact

Brief Messages to Promote Prevention and Detection of Sexually Transmitte­d Infections

Effective Evidence-Based Programs For Preventing Sexually Transmitte­d Infections: A Meta-Analysis Interviewe­d:

Anthony Harris, 414ALL program coordinato­r, Diverse & Resilient

Dafina Petrova, researcher at the the Andalusian School of Public Health in Granada, Spain, and the Decision Analytics Lab at the University of Oklahoma

Molly M. Herrmann, educationa­l consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instructio­n

Angela Bryan, professor of social psychology and neuroscien­ce at the University of Colorado-Boulder

Data used for the story was obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Wisconsin Department of Health Services


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