Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Pictures capture sick child’s triumph

Flashes of Hope boosts awareness of childhood cancer

- Crocker Stephenson

It is a portrait of a 4-year-old girl, Gia Danninger, taken at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in the fall of 2017. And it is extraordin­ary.

Possibly what you might notice first is that Gia is bald.

Gia, who lives in Oconomowoc with her mom, Jenna, her dad, Anthony, and her older brother, Jude, was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. It is a rare condition. Essentiall­y, bone marrow failure. Her body was unable to produce enough new blood cells.

A month before the photograph was taken, Gia had received a bone marrow transplant. In preparatio­n for the transplant, Gia had spent a week undergoing chemothera­py.

Gia had long chestnut-colored hair. It had been cut perhaps twice in her life. When, after the chemo, it began to fall out in clumps, Jenna and Anthony shaved her head.

Gia cried and cried. She could not bear to look in a mirror.

And then she adjusted. She joked that she now looked like her follically challenged dad. Her parents thought she looked beautiful. And she was able to see their point.

Of course, when you look at the photograph you see her grin. She’s missing a couple of teeth, and her smile is so wide that it wrinkles her nose.

Her left arm is thrust in the air. Gia calls that her Wonder Woman pose. She is wearing a Wonder Woman armband and a Wonder Woman Tshirt. Gia calls the cat-eared headband her Wonder Woman crown.

“Wonder Woman is Gia’s thing,” Jenna says. “Every day, she would say: ‘I am brave and I am strong.’ That’s her. In some big moments, she throws her hand up and yells, ‘Yeah!’”

A couple of things you might not notice: A central catheter, commonly called a PICC line, trails behind her. It is the tube through which Gia received her chemo, her transplant and a host of medication­s. At the time of the photograph, Gia was still receiving fluids through her PICC line 24 hours a day.

Those shoes she’s wearing? Her first pair of high heels. She wore them on the day of her bone marrow transplant — Aug. 22, 2017. Gia and her family call that her rebirth day.

Which is why the locket she is wearing around her neck contains an August birthstone. And an inscriptio­n. A bit of Shakespear­e. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The inscriptio­n

says: “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” ***

Gia and her family were back at Children’s Hospital last week to have their photos taken now that she is more than a year out from her last one.

Children’s Hospital is one of 80 hospitals across the country participat­ing in Flashes of

Hope, a nonprofit program that uses photograph­y to bring awareness to childhood cancer.

Volunteer photograph­ers have captured the images of roughly 75,000 kids since the program began in Cleveland in 2001. About 1,000 families have participat­ed in the program at Children’s Hospital.

Gia arrived wearing pink sneakers, a long-sleeved teal-colored dress and gray stockings. Her hair, a bit lighter than it had been before, was growing out.

It had been 401 days since her transplant. Her blood counts looked good and she had just been given permission to stop taking her immune suppressan­t. Doctors would continue to monitor for the next couple of years, but Gia appears cured.

She stood in front of the photograph­er and threw her hand into the air.

 ?? STEVE SALICK ?? This Flashes of Hope photograph of Gia Danninger, 4, of Oconomowoc,was taken in September 2017 bySteve Salick. She was being treated for aplastic anemia at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
STEVE SALICK This Flashes of Hope photograph of Gia Danninger, 4, of Oconomowoc,was taken in September 2017 bySteve Salick. She was being treated for aplastic anemia at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
 ?? / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL MICHAEL SEARS ?? Gia strikes her superhero pose to celebrate one year since her bone marrow transplant. See more photos at
/ MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL MICHAEL SEARS Gia strikes her superhero pose to celebrate one year since her bone marrow transplant. See more photos at
 ?? SENTINEL MICHAEL SEARS / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL ?? Photograph­er Sylvia Laughrin (left) chats with Gia, now 6, at the start of a photo session.
SENTINEL MICHAEL SEARS / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Photograph­er Sylvia Laughrin (left) chats with Gia, now 6, at the start of a photo session.

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