Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Former Messmer president dismissed from religious order

- Annysa Johnson

Robert Smith, the Franciscan friar who helped pull Milwaukee’s Messmer High School from the brink of collapse and became a nationally known advocate for school choice, has been dismissed from his Catholic religious order.

It is not clear what led to Smith’s dismissal from the Capuchin Friars of the Province of St. Joseph. Tim Hinkle, a spokesman for the Detroit-based province, said it was unrelated to sexual abuse or misconduct but provided no other details.

“Mr. Smith’s dismissal from the order was a confidenti­al, internal personnel matter,” he said in an email to the Journal Sentinel.

Messmer President Jim Piatt said he did not know the cause, “but it was not related to Messmer or his time at Messmer, that’s for sure.”

“It very much feels to me like a breakup of a marriage. It’s very sad,” he said.

Efforts to contact Smith were not successful.

Smith, best known as “Brother Bob,” resigned as president and CEO of Messmer in 2012 citing health problems.

A prolific fundraiser, he was instrument­al in rebuilding Messmer, after it closed briefly in 1984, into a threeschoo­l campus serving more than 1,600 students from 3-year-old kindergart­en through 12th grade.

He is also well-known in conservati­ve political and social circles. He had served previously on the board of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, a generous funder of Messmer over the years. He has claimed Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker as a friend. And the honorary chairman of the 2013 gala lauding his service to Messmer was former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson.

The Capuchins are a Catholic religious order founded in the 16th century and rooted in the charism of St. Francis of Assisi. Members take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Milwaukee’s St. Francis of Assisi Church is the site of the oldest Capuchin building in North America.

The nephew of Brother Booker Ashe, founder of Milwaukee’s House of Peace, Smith had spent almost all of his adult life in the order.

Michael Sullivan, provincial minister for the order, notified his Capuchin brothers of Smith’s dismissal in a January letter in which he urged them to pray for Smith and to avoid “rancor and division” and “refrain from gossiping.”

According to the letter, Smith was initially dismissed by the order’s Provincial Council. Its ruling was upheld by two Vatican bodies, including the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the church’s highest court.

“These situations are always agonizing and heartbreak­ing ... especially when the individual is highly regarded both within and outside the order,” Sullivan wrote.

“I ask again for your prayers for Bob and for all who are impacted by this situation.”

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