Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Evers signs drug step therapy bill

- Lawrence Andrea

MADISON - Democratic Gov. Tony Evers signed into law Tuesday a bill that will make it easier for patients to get needed prescripti­on drugs.

Senate Bill 26 regulates the use and developmen­t of “step therapy” protocols, which often require patients to try cheaper medication­s before more expensive options. Under the legislatio­n, patients can seek exemption from first using the cheaper drugs in some cases, such as when the drugs are expected to be ineffectiv­e or cause adverse reactions. A statement from Evers’ office said the legislatio­n “increases transparen­cy” for how these step therapy protocols are developed.

“This legislatio­n places some of the control back into the hands of health care providers and patients to decide the best drug treatment regime for a medical condition,” he said.

The bill was introduced by Rep. John Nygren, R-Marinette, and Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills. Darling said Tuesday the new law provides flexibilit­y for doctors to make sure their patients are receiving the right care at the right time.

“This is a huge victory for patients,” Darling said. “It will be much easier for doctors to prescribe the medication or treatment their patients need without unnecessar­y red tape.”

Evers also on Tuesday signed Senate Bill 38, which would exempt people who distribute drugs or devices to a patient for peritoneal kidney dialysis from obtaining a pharmacist license.

“I’ve said all along that healthcare should not be a privilege afforded only to the healthy and the wealthy, and we have to continue doing everything we can to make sure that folks in all 72 counties can access the life-saving care they need and deserve without barrier or burden,” Evers said in a statement. “I’m proud to sign these bipartisan bills into law today that are important steps in that direction.”

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