Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsini­tes split on impeachmen­t

Numbers move quickly amid breaking news

- Bill Glauber

There is increased support for impeachmen­t hearings against President Donald Trump in Wisconsin but voters aren’t on board with his removal from office, according to Wednesday’s results of the Marquette University Law School Poll.

Forty-six percent say there is enough cause for impeachmen­t hearings against 49% who say there isn’t.

But those numbers have moved significantly since April when the poll found 29% backed impeachmen­t hearings while 65% said there was not enough reason to hold such proceeding­s. That survey was conducted after

Attorney General William Barr released a letter describing contents of the Mueller Report, which probed Russian influence on the 2016 election.

Asked if Trump should be impeached and removed from office, 44% say he should be while 51% say he should not be removed.

The partisan splits were huge. Eighty-eight percent of Democrats favored impeachmen­t and removal and 92% of Republican­s were opposed.

“The headline is there is a sort of close divide on whether we should hold impeachmen­t hearings,” poll director Charles Franklin said.

The survey of 799 Wisconsin registered voters was conducted Oct. 13-17, amid a backdrop of fast-breaking developmen­ts that included Turkey’s invasion of Syria and a stepped-up impeachmen­t inquiry against Trump.

The survey’s margin of error was plus or minus 4.2%.

Trump continues to hold his own the state, a vital cog in his re-election effort. His job approval was 46%, against 51% disapprova­l, the poll found.

One potential area of weakness for the president is on foreign policy. Just 37% approved of his handling of foreign policy while 59% disapprove­d.

Thirty-two percent said the president’s foreign policy has helped America’s standing in the world while 58% said it has hurt.

But on the economy, voters rated him higher, with 51% approving his handling of the economy compared with 45% who disapprove.

Voters were pessimisti­c on the chances of U.S. and North Korea reaching an agreement on reducing

nuclear weapons in the next year or two. Just 24% said an agreement would be reached, while 66% said there won’t be a deal.

While just 30% said Trump is someone who is honest and 40% said he cares about people like me, 47% said he keeps his campaign promises.

The Democratic presidenti­al field

In head-to-head match-ups between Trump and four top Democrats, only former Vice President Joe Biden had a clear lead over the president, with 50% support to 44% for Trump.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont led Trump by 48% to 46%, while U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts led Trump by 47% to 46%, both results within the poll’s margin of error.

Trump had a lead of 45% to 43% over Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana, mayor.

Among those who say they’ll vote in April’s Democratic Party presidenti­al primary, Biden was the first choice of 31% of those polled, followed by Warren at 24%, Sanders at 17%, Buttigieg at 7% and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California at 5%.

Asked about their second choices, Warren gathered 27% support, Biden 19%, Sanders 13%, Buttigieg 10% and Harris 9%.

Biden and Sanders were each viewed favorably by 67% and Warren was at 63%.

Eighty-two percent said they had heard that Sanders had suffered a heart attack. He has since gotten back on the campaign trail.

Thirty-two percent said age matters when considerin­g a choice for president, while 66% said age is unimportan­t. Those are important numbers since the race is currently dominated by four people in their 70s — Sanders, Biden, Warren and Trump.

On a key issue in the Democratic primary, health care, 51% said they supported a national health plan such as Medicare for All, while 42% were opposed.

Letting people buy-in to a so-called public option for health care was more popular, with 60% in support and 32% in opposition.

On guns, just 42% support a mandatory buyback of assault weapons while 54% oppose such a proposal.

Gov. Tony Evers had a 47% favorable rating against 35% unfavorabl­e. U.S. Sens. Tammy Baldwin (46% favorable-39% unfavorabl­e) and Ron Johnson (40% favorable-29% unfavorabl­e) were also above water in a critical area.

There was also strong support for the state’s small dairy farmers, who have been hurt by several years of low milk prices and the consolidat­ion of the industry.

Sixty-three percent said the federal government should financially support small farms struggling to stay in business, while 30% said it was not the job of the federal government to get involved.

“I think there is generally a very strong sympathy for the culture of the small farms in the state, even though most people don’t have a direct farm connection anymore,” he said. “There’s still sympathy for those small farmers and still a sense that if you think of all of our government agricultur­e support programs, supporting small dairy farms is not really a radical step.”

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