Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Sanders, Buttigieg have partial Iowa lead

State Dems say 62% of precincts are counted

- Steve Peoples, Thomas Beaumont and Alexandra Jaffe

DES MOINES, Iowa – The Iowa Democratic Party released partial results of its kickoff presidenti­al caucus after a daylong delay on Tuesday showing former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and progressiv­e Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders leading the opening contest in the party’s 2020 primary season.

It was too early to call a winner based on the initial results, but Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden and

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar were trailing in State Delegate Equivalent­s, according to data released by the state Democratic Party nearly 24 hours after voting concluded. The results reflected 62% of precincts in the state.

Buttigieg, 38, becomes the first openly gay candidate to earn presidenti­al primary delegates. His early strength reflects his aggressive political pursuit of rural and small-town voters, including some Republican­s, who prefer a more moderate approach to address the nation’s political problems.

“We don’t know all of the numbers, but we know this much: A campaign that started a year ago with four staff members, no name recognitio­n, no money, just a big idea – a campaign that some said should have no business even making this attempt, has taken its place at the front of this race,” Buttigieg declared while campaignin­g in next-up New Hampshire.

While campaigns were eager to spin the results to their advantage, there was little immediate indication that the incomplete results erased the confusion and concern that loomed over the Iowa contest. It was unclear when the full results would be released.

Campaignin­g in New Hampshire on Tuesday before the partial results were released, Warren questioned the state party’s plans.

“I just don’t understand what that means, at least half of the data. I think they ought to get it together and release all the data,” she said.

A Biden campaign representa­tive also objected to the party’s plan to release partial results before checking them against paper records, saying in a conference call that the plan didn’t address “growing reports” about problems on caucus night, such as precinct captains unable to get through on the phone to report results.

“The stories and the problems are just multiplyin­g, so presumably you’re going to have some way of addressing that and explaining to us as you release these partial results why you’re comfortabl­e,” Biden campaign attorney Dana Remus said. “You need to have enough transparen­cy that other people feel comfortabl­e about it now and we’re just not there right now.”

 ??  ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks in Keene, N.H., Tuesday.
Democratic presidenti­al candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks in Keene, N.H., Tuesday.

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