Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

How Wisconsini­tes can cope with isolation during outbreak Channel your energy into something positive

- Haley BeMiller Green Bay Press-Gazette USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

People across Wisconsin are spending more time at home and away from family, friends and coworkers as the coronaviru­s spreads across the state.

In some ways, it may seem nice at first. You can spend time with children and pets, get some laundry done and join work meetings in your pajamas.

But mental health profession­als say social isolation can exacerbate depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other illnesses. It also removes people who struggle with their mental health or addiction from crucial support systems.

And that’s against the backdrop of a global pandemic that’s increasing anxiety among everyone.

“The key thing that’s going on with the coronaviru­s is that there’s a lot of uncertaint­y about what’s coming down the pike,” said Jack Nitschke, a psychologi­st and psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Wisconsini­tes will increasing­ly be isolated in the coming weeks as schools and businesses shutter, and as state officials encourage social distancing to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and prevent health care systems from being overloaded. It’s unclear when we may be allowed to return to our offices and favorite restaurant­s.

Until then, here are some tips from experts on how to care for your mental health as you guard against the physical risks of COVID-19.

Manage your informatio­n

News about COVID-19 is flooding the internet and television screens by the minute. It can be overwhelmi­ng to keep up. Where do you even start? How much is too much?

Jody Larson, a therapist with Bellin Health’s Riverside Psychiatri­c Center in De Pere, tells her patients to go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or state Department of Health Services for the latest, most accurate informatio­n about the virus. People should only make plans and adjust behaviors based on facts.

It’s also important to know when to stop looking at Facebook or watching cable news. Nitschke encourages people to find a trusted news source and look up the latest informatio­n once or twice a day. Constantly looking at your phone won’t help your brain, he said.

Go for a walk

Exercise is an effective way to boost well being, and it’s something people can keep up with at home. Those who enjoy going to yoga classes can follow a yoga instructor on YouTube. The internet abounds with videos that people can work out to in their living rooms.

And if you want to get out of the house, go for a run or walk. Wisconsin is filled with beautiful parks and trails that remain open for business.

“It’s important to know you can still get outside,” said Marianne Radley of Reach Counseling in Neenah.

Structure your time

A full day at home can quickly turn into a monotonous blob of time. Larson recommends setting a schedule for yourself to ease the stress and anxiety that comes with an unstructur­ed day. Say you’ll perform this task at 11 a.m., that task at 1 p.m., so on and so forth.

“It gives some predictabi­lity to the day,” Larson said. “Right now, there’s a lot of unpredicta­bility.”

Spending more time at home has an advantage, Larson said: You can use that time to tackle projects you previously neglected. Channeling energy into something constructi­ve can provide a distractio­n and sense of control.

“I may not be able to control the pandemic, but I can certainly control some of my household tasks,” Larson said.

Use technology to your advantage

Yes, social media can be a black hole of terrifying informatio­n. But it’s also a way to maintain human connection at a time when we’re dissuaded from sitting near each other.

Consider using Facebook or FaceTime to have face-to-face conversati­ons with your family and friends. If you know someone who may be struggling, give them a call. People accustomed to attending support groups for addiction can set up a group chat to keep those conversati­ons going.

“Using what we have in ways to remain connected I think is really lovely,” Radley said.

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