Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Experts outline risk of virus in Wisconsin

Raft of reopenings shifts practical burden of protection to individual

- Madeline Heim and John Diedrich

With Wisconsin’s Supreme Court order nullifying Gov. Tony Evers stay-home order last week, we are in what feels like a new world.

Some communitie­s have opened fully. Others imposed orders, and then many dropped them. Some big counties remained closed.

Around the state, we are seeing bars and restaurant­s, long-shuttered, suddenly open. Same with stores of all sorts. At least one city close to the border saw a rush of residents from still-closed Illinois this weekend.

Experts urge caution and ask the public to consider risk when deciding what to do with this new freedom. They are guided by science on the spread of infectious diseases. Here is what several experts wanted people to know:

First, it’s all about the dose of coronaviru­s you’re exposed to

Think about this equation from Erin Bromage, a professor at the University of Massachuse­tts Dartmouth: Exposure, coupled with time, equals the “dose” of the virus that will make its way into your body.

Although experts aren’t totally sure yet just how big a dose of this particular virus can cause you to become sick, they estimate it could be fewer than a thousand particles.

For comparison, the dose needed to get sick with another coronaviru­s, Middle East Respirator­y Syndrome, could be as high as 10,000 particles.

The time element of the equation makes sense on its face — the longer you spend in an environmen­t where the virus is moving around, the more likely you are to get enough of it to become infected.

But what about exposure?

It depends on what action caused the virus particles to make their way to you. According to Bromage, a breath from an infected person would release 20 particles in the air per minute. Speaking face to face would release about 200 particles per minute, and sneezing or coughing would release a colossal 200 million particles all at once.

The equation for this virus says, then, if an infected person is breathing near you, it would take 50 minutes of exposure at least for the virus to make it into your lungs. If you’re talking, it can happen much faster, in just five minutes.

The risk grows in certain environmen­ts

Any time you turn up one part of the equation or another, the risk climbs.

Talking for hours over dinner in a crowded restaurant could theoretica­lly sicken dozens of people, because you’re speaking (which emits more virus particles than breathing) for an extended period of time. It’s also in a confined space, which ups the risk.

Situations that place you in close proximity with others for longer amounts of time — like a shared office, a music concert, a movie theater, the aforementi­oned restaurant or flying on a plane — lend themselves to a greater risk of infection.

There are sneakier risks, too, like the example of a choir practice in Washington state that sickened 53 people with COVID-19 and killed two — despite the fact that they tried to leave space between each other.

Why? The act of singing sends more particles into the air than talking, and they practiced for more than two hours. It’s why one Wisconsin pastor said although in-person services might resume, his congregati­on likely won’t be cracking open their hymnals together until a vaccine is developed.

In contrast, the grocery store, which many of us have feared for months, can actually be a low-risk situation if you’re shopping safely. If you get in and out without speaking much to others, you’ve decreased both your possible exposure from an infected person and the time spent in one space.

This is different, of course, for employees, who spend hours in the store.

What we know about past diseases helps us understand how coronaviru­s spreads

The question of how coronaviru­s spreads can’t be answered by controlled studies, because it would be unethical to force people to contract the virus so researcher­s could map how it travels.

Thus, this science is imperfect. But the exposurean­d-time element is backed by what we know about diseases such as tuberculos­is and measles, in which you increase your risk for infection based on how long you’re exposed, according to Jonathan Temte, associate dean for public health and community engagement at UW-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health.

For example, people susceptibl­e to getting COVID-19 are often in households with someone who already has it, putting them at risk of a high dose and prolonged exposure to the virus.

And it’s best to use the informatio­n we’ve got from history versus using nothing at all, Temte added.

“We have no collective experienti­al knowledge of this,” he said. “Going forward, we have to use all the tools that we have.”

So, here’s what’s next

There is a strong, worldwide focus on creating a vaccine but experts cautioned that a vaccine is more of a hope than a plan at this point. They don’t expect one soon, maybe months or even years.

In the meantime, we are left to tactics to try to slow and manage the spread of COVID-19.

There has been a growing recognitio­n among some scientists that lockdowns could not continue indefinitely, but those same experts are deeply concerned this new freedom without precaution­s could create a rush of cases that could overwhelm the health system.

Even with the precaution, spread is inevitable and actually useful, if done carefully.

People who get the virus and recover are developing some kind of immunity. Maybe not full immunity, but some. Over time, that immunity will be important, experts say.

As more people become immune, the virus likely has a harder time spreading. Eventually, we might reach a point where enough people have had the virus that it no longer spreads. This is what is called “herd immunity.”

Some have advocated for letting otherwise healthy people go out and catch it. The concern, University of Wisconsin-Madison epidemiolo­gist Patrick Remington said, is that there is still much we don’t know about COVID and there are a small number of people who die from it and we aren’t sure why.

That is a risk he doesn’t see our society willing to take right now.

So the plan would be more of what he called “a slow burn” of the virus moving around society. The concern is if that should kick up and lead to overwhelmi­ng numbers. That hasn’t happened here, not yet.

“The game isn’t over. We won’t know for a long time what in the end was the best approach,” Remington said. “We do know having a forest fire rage out of control is not good.”

Contact Madeline Heim at 920-996-7266 or Follow her on Twitter at @madeline_heim. Contact John Diedrich at 414-2242408 or jdiedrich@journalsen­ Follow him on Twitter at @john_diedrich, Instagram at @john_diedrich, LinkedIn or Facebook.

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