Milwaukee Journal Sentinel



IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Questionin­g what’s next will encourage you to make adjustment­s that will lead to better opportunit­ies. Picking up the tools and the informatio­n you require to use your skills to fit the changing economy and lifestyle will make you a leader in your community.

ARIES March 21-April 19

Take a leap of faith, make adjustment­s on the fly, pitch what you want to do and be explicit in the way you see things unfolding.

TAURUS April 20-May 20

How you present what you have to offer will be taken seriously. It will be considered by someone who can provide advice as well as give you the push you need to excel.

GEMINI May 21-June 20

Procrastin­ating will not help you get ahead. Discipline will be required to reach your goal.

CANCER June 21-July 22

Take a closer look at a unique way to use your skills to get ahead. A more aggressive approach to helping others is encouraged.

LEO July 23-Aug. 22

The longer you let someone have the spotlight, the harder it will be to convince others to see things your way.

VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A lack of trust is apparent. Don’t share informatio­n with anyone you think might have ulterior motives.

LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Dig deep, do your research and pursue a goal that will encourage growth, knowledge and a more efficient way of doing things.

SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Don’t trust an unfamiliar situation or individual. Follow your instincts, and pace your progress to fit your schedule.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Stick to what and who you know best. Refuse to let an outsider disrupt your life. Share your feelings and intentions, and adjust.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19

An emotional situation can demobilize your plans. Creative accounting will help to protect your assets and secure your financial position.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Don’t worry about what others do; as long as you reach your goal, you’ve done your part. Someone will take advantage of you if you are too accommodat­ing.

PISCES Feb. 19-March 20

Consider what you like or want to do, and update your resume or pick up skills that will allow you to head in a direction more suitable.

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