Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin’s coronaviru­s

Positive tests fall in state but remain high in Milwaukee County.

- Natalie Brophy, Ricardo Torres and Jeff Rumage USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

The percentage of positive COVID-19 tests continues to fall in Wisconsin, as the state health department reported Saturday that 2.7% of test results came back positive for the coronaviru­s.

Of the 11,792 new test results reported by the state Department of Health Services on Saturday, 322 were positive for the virus. This is the lowest number of new cases reported since Monday, and the lowest percentage of positive cases since Sunday.

As of Saturday, 20,571 people in Wisconsin have tested positive for COVID-19. In total, 314,802 people have been tested and 645 people have died, according to state health officials.

More than two-thirds of Wisconsini­tes, or 13,770 people, who tested positive for the coronaviru­s have recovered, according to DHS. Thirty percent, or 6,155 cases, are considered to still be ill. Those who have died account for 3% of all Wisconsin cases.

The rate of hospitaliz­ation has remained around 14% since the start of the pandemic. According to the Wisconsin Hospital Associatio­n, 315 people are currently hospitaliz­ed — 40 fewer than on Friday. Of those, 118 are in intensive care.

In Milwaukee County, 1,563 hospital beds are being used for coronaviru­s patients. Of those, 350 are in intensive care units — 64% of capacity.

According to data from the county, 291 people have died from the virus so far, and there have been 8,709 confirmed cases.

There have been a total of 65,713 tests performed in the county, and over the last week 90% to 100% of tests have had results within 48 hours, according to county data.

And while the state overall is seeing a downward trend in the percentage of positive tests, Milwaukee County’s is much higher — averaging 16% over the past seven days. The most recent low is 9%, reported in mid-May.

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