Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Jobs report weakens push for virus aid

- Andrew Taylor

WASHINGTON – A stronger-thanexpect­ed jobs report could further scramble an already uncertain picture for passing a fifth and possibly final coronaviru­s aid bill. The positive statistics are feeding the wait-and-see approach of the White House and its GOP allies in Congress.

Republican­s say the numbers vindicate their decision to pause and assess the $3 trillion in assistance already approved. The White House was already showing little urgency about pursuing another trillion-dollar bill, much less the $3.5 trillion measure passed by the House last month.

The coming weeks are expected to bring difficult negotiatio­ns on what the package should contain.

For lawmakers, decisions loom on how much money to allocate to states, how to extend unemployme­nt benefits for millions of people and whether to create lawsuit protection­s for businesses and schools as they reopen during the pandemic.

Friday’s jobs report showed a 2.5 million gain instead of an expected loss of millions more, complicati­ng prospects for the aid talks.

“They are less than urgent, less than inclined for another package,” said Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., a GOP leader when his party was in the majority. “There is less urgency to go strike a hard deal – and this one would be a hard deal. Doesn’t mean it won’t happen, I just think the urgency is far lessened.”

Democrats looked at the jobs report and saw job losses for 600,000 public employees that are likely to worsen if Washington doesn’t help cash-starved state and local government­s. Despite the positive jobs news, unemployme­nt nationwide is at 13%, so the looming expiration of a supplement­al $600 per week jobless benefit promises to provide a catalyst for action.

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